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"JIMIN!!" Hoseok shouted again running towards the door trying to open it but it was locked, Jimin from the inside also tried to unlock it but he was quickly pulled away from the door. He heard the engine start and he started to panic badly, he banged on the window hoping it would break but it was useless, Jimin tried to kick the door opened from the inside but it was also useless. Hoseok ran in front of the car stopping the man from moving, he then ran to the other side trying to open the back door which thankfully was unlocked.

"Hoseok!" Jimin cried out trying to get out the man's hold, Hosoek grabbed Jimin trying to pull him out.

"DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!!!" The man shouted, right when the masked man was about to press on the gas peddle Namjoon ran in front of the car stopping him. Jungkook and Yoongi ran to the side helping Hoseok pull Jimin away from the man.

Once he was fully out, Yoongi didn't hesitate to kick the man in the face. Not once, not twice, not three times... no one knew how many times the man was kicked in face but it was enough to make the man bleed, Namjoon on the other hand broke the front window unlocking the car quickly, and opened the door pulling the man out.

He slammed him onto the ground and kept him there, meanwhile Jungkook stopped Yoongi and helped him pull the man out the car also slamming him onto the floor and keeping him there.

"Keep them there, I'm gonna call the cops" Jungkook said pulling out his phone and walking away. Hoseok held Jimin close to him who was sobbing into his arms, "shh shh you're okay" Hoseok whispered brushing hair back with his fingers.

"You're okay Jimin" he repeated wiping his tears ignoring the spats Yoongi is shouting towards the man.


"I-I was sent here" the man coughed out. "BY WHO TELL ME WHO!? AND KEEP YOUR FUCKING HEAD DOWN" Yoongi slammed his head onto the ground.

The man let out a groan, "S-Someone"

Yoongi stood up kicking him the ribs. "Yoongi!" Namjoon shouted but Yoongi ignored him, "TELL ME WHO!?"

The man stayed silent, Yoongi not liking this stood up and kicked him again. "Yoongi stop!" Namjoon said trying to stop him, but he kept ignoring him. "Yoongi!"

The man on the floor let out groans taking in the pain. "Okay they're on their way- YOONGI!!" Jungkook rushed up to him pushing him away from the man. "Ask him! Ask him who he's working for!" Yoongi said pointing at the man on the floor. Jungkook nodded and went back to the man, "who are you working for?" He asked but got no response.

"Look if you just tell me right now it will be easier for you, no more kicking so please tell me" he tried again.

Again no response, "oh my fucking god" Yoongi made his way to the man and kicked him again, this time on the other side. "Fuck!" The man let out, "Hyung don't" Jungkook said, "tell us now or the next one will be in the balls" Yoongi spat.

"VERONICA!! Now please stop hurting him!" The man under Namjoon cried. Everyone stopped their movements, even their breathing. "Veronica sent us to kidnap Mr.Park"

"W-who is Veronica?" Hosoek asked, but before anyone could answer him the cops pulled up.


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