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"Oh look! And big box of dark chocolates!" Yoongi sang grabbing the box of chocolates off the shelf. "Oh wow, we should get another one that says milk chocolate and switch them" Jungkook said looking around for any milk chocolates.

"We should! Oh my god! We should frost the lemon cake with Chocolate frosting so it looks like chocolate" Yoongi said exited. "Chocolates and cakes is making me want sweets" Hoseok pouted looking at all the sweets.

"Get some, I'll pay don't worry" Jungkook reassured finally finding the milk chocolates. "No I'll pay it's okay" He said grabbing a bag of all different kinds of chocolates.

"Found them! Now let's get the lemon ca- hey where's Namjoon?" Jungkook asked looking around the aisle. "He walked into the store with us right?" Yoongi asked trying to remember if Namjoon even got out his car.

"Of course he did, hold on let me call him" Jungkook pulled out his phone searching for Namjoon's contact. Once he finally found it he pressed on it calling it, he brought the device up to his ear hearing it ring a couple times before a small voice spoke up.


"Hyung where are you?"

"uhh well I'm at where the milk is"

"Why? We were going to buy the cake not make it"

"I know that, I-I just wondered off by accident" he said shaky. Jungkook frowned noticing the change in his voice. "Hyung are you okay?"

"Uh no not really"

"What's wrong!? What happened!?"

"I uh fuck so I may have not dropped three gallons of milk on the floor and is standing here awkwardly talking on the phone"

Jungkook's eyes widen "hold on, we'll be there in a second" Jungkook hanged up and looked at Hoseok and Yoongi who were talking about their childhood candies.

"Guys, Namjoon is at the milks" Jungkook informed walking down the aisle.

"Why? He knows we're buying the cake not actually making it right?" Yoongi frowned following him with Hoseok. "Well he said he spilled milk" Jungkook shrugged.

"WHAT!!?" Yoongi and Hoseok both shouted as they made their way towards the milk. "What the fuck happen?" Hoseok gasped watching the white liquid spread all over the floor with Namjoon standing there guilty.

"I barely touched them" he blushed embarrassed. "Barely touched them my ass! Were you trying to juggle or what!?" Yoongi shook his head picking up the three empty carton milks and setting them on a nearby shelf.

"I-I was actually trying to see how many I can hold"

Jungkook sighed and backed up a little as he saw the milk starting to spread towards his feet. "I'll go get someone" he said leaving as the others nodded.

"So you're going to pay right?" Yoongi asked to which Namjoon nodded. "Okay good cause I don't have money for spilled milk"

Hoseok stood there watching the liquid spread even more. "Namjoon you need to be more careful" He said.

"I know! Gah I feel so bad" Namjoon said as Jungkook came back with a lady behind him with cleaning supplies. "Oh goodness!" The lady push the mop cart towards them. "I-I can clean it" Namjoon said shyly.

"Were you the one who dropped it?" She asked as she was squirting out the water from the mop, Namjoon nodded embarrassed. "It's okay everyone makes mistakes"

"But you shouldn't be fixing them, so please let me clean this instead"

"I can't, I would get fired"

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