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"So how is your mother doing?" Yoongi asked. They were both leaning on the wall outside of Mr.Kim's kitchen. Both Mr.Kim and Mr.Park were having lunch.

"She's doing amazing! She's been really happy since that horrible man left" Jungkook replied. "That's good to hear, both of you are so much better without him, you and your mother are a really good team. You guys don't need another person"

Jungkook shook his head agreeing with him "hell no we don't, matter fact I'm not letting her get a boyfriend"

"Dude that's your mom, you act like she's your younger sister"

"She's my best friend! I love her, we don't need another man coming into our lives ruining us" He crossed his arms. "That's true, well I hope you find your true love one day and have adopted kids" Yoongi patted his shoulder.

"Adopted? You think my sperm isn't strong enough to make kids?" He huffed "Well to make a guy pregnant no, but a girl yes"

"A guy pregnant? What the hell are you on?" Jungkook pushed his hand away. "Look Jungkook no matter how many times you deny that you're not gay, I've seen the way you stare at Namjoon's thighs and touch them"

"Namjoon has thick thighs!"

"And so do you but you're not touching them and squeezing them like you used to with Namjoon"

"I'm done with this conversation, don't talk to me anymore" Jungkook put his hand up ending the conversation.

"K" his hyung replied and pulled out his phone. Jungkook almost scoffed but shook his head instead and pulled his phone out too. He knows he can't be on his phone while working but Mr.Kim doesn't have to know.

Hey, since you don't wanna talk in person since you're such a coward let's talk here. Okay so back to what I was saying. You're gay 🏳️‍🌈

Yoongi please 😭 what is wrong with you, are you gay yourself ?

Duh! I find my boss hot asf 🤤 sometimes I just wanna grip his throat and slam him against the wall🤤😩 but of course I can't do that he's such cute baby who needs to be protected at all cost, and I'm glad I'm the one who is doing that already😍

Jungkook's jaw dropped and shut his phone off looking at his hyung. "You find your boss sexually attractive!?" He whispered shouted.

"Sexually, mentally, emotionally, and physically" Yoongi replied like it was the most normal thing to say. "But...but that's your boss hyung, you can't possibly fall in love with him"

"Yes I can, you can fall in love with anyone actually. Too bad I can't control my feelings... he'll always see me as his bodyguard and that's it" Yoongi sighed shutting his phone off and leaning his head on the wall looking at the ceiling.

"Thank god I haven't fallen in love yet" Jungkook replied. "But you're handsome hyung, girls are always head over heels for you"

"You think I care about girls liking me? I want men! I want to shove my dick up a guy's a-" Jungkook covered his mouth hearing enough. "Okay hyung I get it, but is he gay?" He removed his hand.

"Of course he is! I think... he has to be"

Jungkook rolled his eyes "you were such a bottom in high school now you're a top, what happen?" Yoongi asked looking at him up and down.

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