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"Mr.Min which is better? A tiger or a lion?" Jimin asked sipping on his coffee. Yoongi found him in a coffee shop buying himself and the others coffee. "I like tigers, their stripes are cool" he replied sipping on his coffee too, well trying to his hands were full with his and Jimin's stuff. "Me too" Jimin said and it went quiet.

"so um about yesterday, I-I wanna apologized for kissing you... it was very wrong of me" Yoongi but his bottom lip feeling his cheeks heat up. Jimin blushed remembering about yesterday "I-It's okay, I l-liked it"


Jimin nodded again "did you?" He asked shyly, Yoongi nodded "I liked it too, it felt nice" he replied. "I wouldn't mind doing it again" he went on but stopped as he realized what he just said. "Uhh I-I mean-"

Jimin giggled "It's okay, I wouldn't mind doing it again either"

Yoongi smiled as they approached the jet. "Is someone crying?" Jimin asked as they walked up the stairs of the jet and inside. They both saw Taehyung bawling his eyes out in Jin's arms "Taehyung?" Jimin quickly sat the coffee tray on one of the seat and rushed towards Taehyung, "what's wrong?"

"Jimin!? HOLY SHIT JIMIN YOURE ALIVE!!" Taehyung cried out jumping into Jimin's arms "yeah, haha" Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung "Everyone was worried about you" he exclaimed as Jimin wiped his tears. "Really? I was out to getting coffee for everyone, Mr.Min was with me the whole time" he explained. "But why didn't you pick up your phone?" Jin asked.

"My phone is in one of the bags" Jimin said pointing at a bag Yoongi was holding. "And you! Why didn't you pick up your phone!" Taehyung stomped up to Yoongi with red puffy eyes "uhh I have my phone on silent" he replied.

"Where the fuck is your earpiece! You could've told us he was with you if you had your ear-"

"Taehyung! It's okay, I'm perfectly fine don't blame him" Jimin said pulling Taehyung away from Yoongi. "Whatever!" Taehyung rolled his eyes grabbing Jimin's hand. "Where is everyone?" Jimin asked.

"They went out looking for you" Jin explained pulling his phone out to call them. "Really? Aww y'all really care about me?" Jimin smiled "of course! You're Park Jimin!" Taehyung squeezed his hand.

Jin called Hoseok saying that Jimin and Yoongi were on jet safely. "My ass still hurts" Namjoon said limping, "I told you there was a sign that said the floor was wet" Hoseok shook his head. "You said that right when I ran into the wet floor" Namjoon grumbled.

"I said that before" Hoseok said "whatever, Jungkook can I jump on your back?" Namjoon asked. "Anything for my hyung" Jungkook crouched down as Namjoon jumped onto his back "thank you!" He said wrapping his legs around him. They continue to make their way to the jet feeling relief that Yoongi and Jimin were okay. "Bet you can't climb up the stairs with me on your back" Namjoon teased. "Is that a challenge?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows, Hoseok was long gone inside the jet.

"Hell Yeah, I'll give you a penny if you win"

"A penny? Nah get off my back" Jungkook said about to put him down but Namjoon held him tighter "I'm kidding I'm kidding $10"

"Bet!" Jungkook took the challenge and went up the stairs carefully not to lean back and fall. "If I fall just know that I'm going to be okay" Jungkook said "you're gonna break my back if you do" Namjoon said making them both laugh. Jungkook took two more steps getting closer to the entrance of the jet. "Holy shit! Is this real? Jungkook you finally get to hold you crush's thighs" Yoongi's voice said scarring them. "AHH FUCK YOU YOONGI JUNGKOOK IS GOING TO DROP ME!!"

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