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"We're here today because Jin and Taehyung are going on tour in two days," Jimin spoke. "Wait in two days? No one told me anything" Jin looked around surprised.

Jin, Hoseok, And Namjoon sat on one side of the table and Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi, And Jimin sat on the other side of the table. Right now they were having a meeting about Jin and Taehyung.

"Jin we told you last month" Hoseok sighed.

"I thought you were lying"

"Why would I lie about that?" Hoseok shook his head.

"I don't know because you seem like the person to lie," Jin shrugged.

"Jin shh continue Jimin" Hoseok waved his hand for Jimin to continue.

"Right Anyways, since we're going to be traveling a lot you know you have to be extra careful every country is different. We don't want any trouble" Jimin said, pointing at Jungkook, Namjoon, and Yoongi.

They nodded understanding "you have to follow your boss at all times" Hoseok added "we lost Jin last time and I swear that shit hurt more than a heartbreak" He said making everyone chuckle.

"Oh and before that someone tried to force Taehyung into a white van" Jimin said.

"Hey! That was the most horrifying experience my old bodyguard didn't do shit and went along with it, I could've died"

"But you didn't, you're here alive thanks to Mr.Min" Jimin replied. "Oh yeah, thank you Mr.Min" Taehyung mumble. Yoongi gave him a nod "just doing my job" he replied.

"So is that all?" Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded. Taehyung was about to stand up but Jimin didn't let him "Jungkook Taehyung stay here" Jimin said. Taehyung huffed and sat back down.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin left saying goodbye and soon it went silent. "Soooo whats up?" Taehyung broke the silent.

"Listen Taehyung I heard what happened yesterday with Jungkook and you're never like this so could you please apologize to him if you haven't"

"Apologize? That's his fault for not taking orders" Taehyung scoffed. "Mr.Park it's fine, Mr.Kim has to go back to rehearsals in a couple minutes" Jungkook stood up "rehearsals can wait, apologize now Taehyung" Jimin said sternly.

"What for!?" Taehyung exclaimed.

"for cursing him out for no reason when he was just doing his job"

"No he wasn't doing his job, he wasn't following my orders" Taehyung stood up.

"It was his first day yesterday and you basically told him to fuck off and never comeback"

"I didn't say that! You know what you're supposed to be on my side not on a perverts side" he left the room slamming the door shut.

Jungkook was about to go after him but Jimin stopped him "I'm sorry for Taehyung's behavior yesterday, I don't want anything to happen while we're on tour, you're going to have to be with him 24/7 and I know Taehyung is going to hate that and probably act like the biggest bitch. But I hope you have patience Mr.Jeon, after the tour you can quit and find someone else to protect but for now please bear with him" Jimin looked at him with so much emotion feeling bad.

"It's fine Mr.Park, I'm doing this job for a reason to protect him. I don't want any trouble, honestly I would hate myself too if I were to sexually harass someone" Jungkook said feeling a pat on his back "plus I have my hyungs here, I can't leave them" he smiled at Yoongi which Yoongi returned.

"That means a lot to me Mr. Jeon please protect him at all cost, I trust you with my best friend" Jimin smiled softly. Jungkook nodded "of course sir"

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