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"Sexual harassment?" Jimin looked up from the papers and gave a question look. "Ah, my ex boss put that there, his daughter was telling him lies about me" Jungkook turned red rubbing his nape.

"Why is that?" Jimin asked. "Did she not like you orrrr?" Jimin trailed off.

"It was actually the opposite of that, I guess she just wanted to take advantage of me. I have never touched her in any way she always came onto me" Jungkook fiddle with his fingers feeling nervous. Usually he would never be nervous since he is always ready and professional. But this time it's different, there is literally 'Sexual harassment' On his papers which is always a red flag.

Jimin hummed and flipped through the next page "Wow I see that you worked for a lot of idols but no complaints just complements" Jimin looked back at him amused. "Ah yeah haha" Jungkook blushed.

"Well before I actually hire you I want you to meet your boss Mr. Kim" Jimin stood up and walked towards the door opening it. Jungkook also stood up waiting for his new boss to enter the room.

"Taehyung? Taehyung!? Where the hell is Taehyung?" Jungkook heard Jimin say and left the room, the door closing softly. Jungkook stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do and looked around the room trying to distract himself admiring the furniture.

After a couple minutes still no sign of Mr. Park and his new boss Mr. Kim. He sighed and sat down pulling out his phone.

Hey baby how is it going?

20 minutes ago

Hey mom, I'm about to meet my new boss but he isn't here yet sooo I'm in here bored asf

Aww, come back home 🥺

Haha I wish but I want this job

Okay, well text me back after the interview... if you didn't get the job it's okay. I love you baby good luck

Thanks mom I love you too ❤️

The door slammed opened startling Jungkook. "Chim! I can meet him later! I want food!" A voice whined. Jungkook stood up seeing Mr. Park dragging a very handsome man who looked to be in his twenties in the room. "Sorry for the wait Mr. Jeon but this is Mr. Kim your boss, Mr. Kim this is Mr. Jeon your new personal bodyguard"

'This man right here is my new boss?' Jungkook straightened his hand out waiting for it to be shaken but his boss just stared at it. "I want to see your papers," his voice said coldly.

'Oh fuck' Jungkook started to panic and watched his new boss walk towards the desk picking up the papers. "Oh no! Fuck no! Sexual harassment? Are you kidding me Jimin? Do you want me to get rape!!?" His new boss shouted. He almost flinched but kept a straight face.

"It's not like that Taehyung-"

"Oh it's not fucking like that, I don't want another pervert as my bodyguard I am done and tired Jimin!" He snapped. Jungkook gulped and looked down. "It's a lie, his ex boss put that, but keep looking Taehyung I promise you that there's a lot of compliments" Jimin tried to convince him to keep looking. Taehyung huffed and flipped through the rest of the pages. "Probably because they got a good fuck" he scoffed and looked at Mr. Jeon.

"Hey! Look up" Taehyung snapped his fingers in his face making Jungkook flinch a little but the other man didn't notice. "I'm sorry but you're not getting the job"

Jungkook's heart dropped. "Sir please, I would never ever touch anyone without their permission. His daughter was trying to take advantage of me which she failed to do, so I left before things could get worse so please, please give me a chance" He pleaded.

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