Chapter 23 - Not Again

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This is really short, but I wrote is as an early Christmas present! I probably won't update for a little bit, because I have to visit family and enjoy this! And don't be mad at me okay?


Liam’s P.O.V.

            It was hard to get the others to leave us alone. I had given Niall so many love bites—some that I don’t even remember giving him. Harry and Louis thought it was hysterical, and they made many jokes because of it. I was glad that Zayn at least kept his mouth shut.

           The concert went really well. I mean, how could it go wrong? Everything felt okay. For once in a long time, it was falling into place. I knew where Niall had been, and I was helping him through it. I loved him. All I had to do now is keep an eye out for the jackass who hurt my baby.

            “Liam,” Zayn said as we were walking offstage after the concert.

            “Yeah, mate?” I asked.

            “You’re going to get in trouble for giving him those love bites right before the concert. I’m pretty sure a lot of the audience could see them,” He smirked.

            I smiled. I really missed Zayn. We used to be best friends. Without him, I would have killed myself after Niall died. He was the only thing that kept me eating, moving, living. I owed him a lot, yet the past few days I had been straying further and further away from him as Niall and I got closer.

            “How about tomorrow, when we get to the new tour location, we go out to lunch, just me and you?” I asked.

            “Yeah,” Zayn smiled, “I would like that. I’ve missed you Liam,”

            “I’ve missed you too,” I admitted.

            “I’m glad you’re getting better though, even though I wasn’t able to be the one to heal you,” He sighed. I suddenly felt really bad. Even though I didn’t love Zayn like that, he should have been able to pull me out of my black pit. It was obvious that he wondered why he couldn’t save me.

            “Zayn, without you I would have died,” I said.

            Zayn looked at me, his eyes wide. Suddenly, he broke down into tears and wrapped his arms around me.

            “I’m so glad you didn’t,” Zayn said.

            “Me too,” I agreed, rubbing his back.

            We stood there like that for awhile longer, until Paul came to get us and take us to our car. I pulled away from Zayn and smiled. He smiled back. It felt just like old times, only better. Because I still had my best friend, and my boyfriend.

Niall’s P.O.V.

            Later that night Liam and I watched movies in our hotel room. He seemed really genuinely happy, which made me really happy too.

            “Thanks for earlier,” I said sleepily. He smiled and ran his hands through me hair.

            “No problem, really, I should be thanking you,” He blushed.

            “I don’t care, it was really great regardless,” I spoke softly.

            “Don’t worry, there will be plenty more of that,” Liam assured me, winking and then leaning in and kissing my lips. My heart started beating faster.

            Unfortunately, there was a knock on our hotel room door, interrupting the moment. Liam groaned and pushed himself up from the bed, walking to the door quickly. He looked out the peephole and froze.

            “Liam, who is it?” I asked.

            Suddenly Liam opened the door and slammed it closed behind him. What the hell? I jumped up from my bed and ran to the door, flinging it open as soon as I arrived there. But there was no one at the door, and Liam was missing. I scratched my head and looked down the hall, but there was no sign of anyone, anywhere. Panic surged through me, and I ran as fast as I could towards Zayn’s room.

            My fists pounded against the door countless times, and I yelled Zayn’s name over and over. Finally Zayn came to the door.

            “Niall, mate, calm down,” Zayn said looking worried.

            “Liam’s gone,” I said.


            “He’s gone!” I screamed, letting the building tears spill from my eyes.

            “It’s okay, Nialler, hold on, alright? I’m sure he didn’t go far. Let’s go get Harry and Louis and go find him.” Zayn spoke calmly and quickly. This is why I had gone to Zayn first, he was a man of action and organization. He was also calm and quiet, which is something I really needed right now. I needed to find my Liam.

Liam’s P.O.V.

            When I opened the door to the hotel room, I knew what was going to happen. But I couldn’t let him hurt my Niall again, I couldn’t.

            I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to end up where I was. The room was almost exactly what Niall had described. One window, one bed, and one bookcase. I sat there alone, wondering if Niall felt the same way I did when he was here.




            I had been kidnapped, by the same man who kidnapped Niall. I knew what he was going to do. I felt sick just thinking about it.



I want to hear what you guys think? Will Liam go through what Niall did? Will it be worse? Will Niall find him? Will the others find out what happened?


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