Chapter 25 - William To The Rescue

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Hey everyone! So, I do realize this story has gotten a bit...Dark....But stick with me, alright? I really hope you guys are enjoying this...



Niall’s P.O.V.

            I didn’t sleep all night. The next day, I was a mess. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I didn’t talk. It tore Louis, Harry, and Zayn apart, seeing me like this. They kept saying, “This is exactly what happened to Liam.” Maybe that is what the kidnapper wanted. Maybe he wanted both of us to suffer.

            The police told us they had a lead, and were ‘looking into it as we speak’. But for some reason, I didn’t believe them. I started wracking my brain. There had to be some way for me to figure out where I had been for two months—I needed to know the exact location. I needed to go save my Liam. When I was in that room, there had to have been a sign, something telling me where I was. The only problem was, I had forced myself to repress the memories as well as I could, and I didn’t remember much about it anymore. I thought as hard as I could though, until I was so frustrated tears started pouring down my face. I pulled my hair angrily and let out a broken cry. This was the worst thing I had ever been through in my life. I had never felt so much emotional pain. It killed me to think that this is what Liam went through.

            “Niall?” A gentle, yet unrecognizable voice said from the doorway. I was sitting on Louis’ hotel bed. I looked up, to find Liam’s therapist, Dr. William Mullard, standing there, wearing a professional looking coat and black slacks. The first time I had seen him, those many days ago at Simon’s house, he looked a lot more casual than this. “I’m Dr. Mullard, but you can call me William.”

            “I know,” I spoke, my voice raspy. This was the first thing I had said since the night previous.

            “You know who I am, I take it?” He asked, sitting on the other side of the bed.

            I nodded.

            “I heard about Liam going missing,” He said simply, “I’m here to make sure you’re okay,”

            It seemed so silly, this guy didn’t even know me. What did he care? “Why?” I asked, voicing my thoughts as bluntly as possible.

            He chuckled, and then said, “Liam asked me the exact same thing during our first session.” He shook his head, still smiling. “Would you like the answer I gave him?” He asked. I nodded. “This is what I love to do. I help people. It’s the one thing I feel happy doing. I have this desk in my office that has tons of pictures on it. All of the pictures are the people that I saved,”

            I paused. I imagined what Liam thought when he heard those words. He was probably inspired by them. The words probably made him think of singing, and how singing is what he loved doing, and that he hoped that his songs would save people.

            “I just need him back,” I whimpered, breaking down into yet more tears. William reached over and put his hand on my shoulder.

            “He’ll come back,” He said, “We’ll find him. Liam is smart, he is a fighter.”

            “If he’s smart, then why did he open the door for…him?” Him was my kidnapper. I just couldn’t say the words outloud. William seemed to understand what I meant.

            “There must have been some reason, just think it through. The only way that Liam would have gone out, would be if you weren’t safe inside. So, did this man have a key?” William asked as he thought through it slowly. My heart started pounding. What did this mean? Did my kidnapper have a key, and did he threaten to come inside? Did Liam go out, practically sacrificing himself for me?

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