Chapter 9 - The Healing Process Begins

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This is really short. Sorry, I have a lot of homework but I wanted to do and update today. I will try to update more later this week. I'm not exactly sure when, but I will do my best. Okay, that's all.


Liam’s P.O.V.

            It took everything in my mind and body to not jump down into the crowd and search for the person who had said that about my Niall. Wait, my Niall? Was that too possessive? God, I needed to get a grip. Niall had cried on the stage until I convinced him to forget about it. However, on the ride home from the concert, it was obvious that the words never honestly left his mind.

            “Niall,” Louis said, “Smile, mate,”

            Niall just looked up at him with large sad eyes and shrugged, letting his eyes fall back to his shoes. Since I was sitting next to him, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders comfortingly and gently grabbed his chin, making him look at me.

            “I told you,” I said softly, “Don’t let people like that get to you.”

            Even I couldn’t cheer Niall up. He continued to remain silent and sad in my arms. I was disappointed that I couldn’t help, but glad he didn’t push me away.

            “Liam, let Nialler breath,” Zayn’s voice called to me. I focused on my surroundings and noticed that I was hugging Niall a bit too tightly to my body. I blushed and let Niall slip away a bit. As soon as I released him, Niall scooted back up into my arms and cuddled his face in my neck. My body was covered with shivers as I realized that he initiated the contact not me. I smiled and left my arms around him. Zayn gave us a weird look, but shrugged it off and rolled on his side to look out the window.

            “That was a good show,” Harry said sleepily, he head rolling from side to side as the car went over a bump.

            “I loved it,” Louis said, leaning on Harry’s shoulder.

            We all softly mumbled in agreement. I think we were all too tired to say much more. When we arrived at out apartment complex, I groaned when I realized that our doors were surrounded by fans and paparazzi.

            “Are you kidding me?” I moaned. The other boys laughed.

            “Paul, can we go in?” Zayn asked.

            “Yeah, give me a minute,” He said from the front seat. Paul got out and proceeded to clear the complex, getting all of the fans and paps far enough away for us to get inside.

            “Liam?” Niall asked from my chest quietly.

            “Yeah?” I said, looking down on him.

            “Can I go with you into your flat?” He asked, his amazing blue eyes melting me.

            “O-of course,” I stuttered, finding the words that momentarily escaped me.

            “Thanks!” He smiled and kissed my cheek quickly, not letting any of the other boys see. I smiled back at him, and nodded. We hopped out of the car and ignored the blinding flashes and screams the best we could. I said goodbye to Louis, Harry, and Zayn, and then headed inside of my flat, Niall on my heels.

            “What do you want to do?” I asked, curious of why Niall wanted to hang out with me anyway. Niall shrugged.

            “Sleep?” He yawned. I smiled and reached out, grabbing his hand and dragging him behind me and up the stairs.

            We both climbed under my covers, and immediately, I was happy that Niall had asked to come over to my place. Sleeping next to Niall was the best way to sleep. He was warm, and comfy, and I loved the way our limbs tangled up while we slept. Waking up in the morning, staring at the face of an angel, that was good too.

            “Li?” He said.

            “Yeah, Nialler?”

            “I’m sorry I can’t tell you where I was. I want to, really, I do,” He said.

            “Why can’t you?” I asked as I turned to face him on the bed and pulled the duvet up and around us.

            “He’ll hurt you too,” Niall said. And with that, he rolled over, and wouldn’t say another thing.

            Who in the hell is he? And why did he hurt Niall? My Niall.


Niall’s P.O.V.

            I can’t believe I said that. Now he is going to ask questions, and feel sorry for me. I don’t want that. I just want to keep him safe, him and all the other lads. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to sleep. Sleep did come to me, but even sleeping next to Liam didn’t keep the nightmares away.

            “Be quiet,” The voice said in my ear as another punch was delivered to my gut. I doubled over in pain and fell back onto the bed.

            “Just let me go, please,” I begged, my eyes teary.

            “No, you’ll tell people about me. You’ll tell them that I kidnapped you. No one can know Niall. Just because you’re famous, this is ten times harder than normal. Kidnapping a famous person is incredibly difficult.” He said, an evil grin spreading across his face.

            “Why are you doing this?” I asked.

            “Because your life was too perfect. Because everything you did was perfect. Because you are too perfect. I am going to make you less perfect. I am going to fix this.”

            I whimpered as he pulled out his knife.

            I bolted upright next to Liam, panting, tears coming to my eyes. Liam was awake now, scooting closer to me and wrapping his arms around me.

            “Tell me what happened,” He begged.

            “I can’t,” I sobbed.

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