Part 1

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So this girl/boy/person, is reading this and they didn't let me tell them it was like a year old so anyway hey how you doing don't judge me 💁‍♀️

It was a normal day, Dream George and Sapnap met at George's house since he was always the last to get ready then headed to school

" George why are you always late? We wait out here for you all the time." Sapnap said Jokingly
"Well if you guys didn't wake up round 3a.m I would have time to meet you guys out here!" George replied nudging Sapnap
"Let's go I don't wanna be late again like yesterday, I hate getting yelled at by that fucking pig," Dream said putting his hands behind his head looking towards the sky. The sky was dark blue as in they started walking at 5:34 taking them 23 minutes to walk to school, they didn't mind because they got to talk more until they got to school


They got to school around 5:57, luckily they weren't late but just enough for Dream to get scolded by his teacher

" Dream this is the LAST time your late until I give you detention "
" But I wasn't even late? "
" Just- Take a seat Dream I don't have time for your excuses."

Luckily Dream and Techno shared classes that morning and they started talking quietly while the teacher wrote in the board
" I can't stand the fucking pig, always gotta make it seem like I'm late"
" I know, she's more like a cow though, like look," Techno started pointing out how she seemed more like a cow making Dream snicker
The bell rang and Dream basically ran outside to meet up with Sapnap and George practically running into Sapnap.
"Dream what the- bro it's not like we were gonna leave you or something" Sapnap said lightly punching Dream in the arm
" Yeah I just wanted to get away from the cow. She doesn't even teach she just talks about her vacation and her ex ."
"Wow lucky you, at least you don't have to right a damn essay by Friday," George said sounding offended as a joke
George's and Sapnap shared there next class, and said bye to Dream
"What are you blushing about?" Sapnap said, waiting for an answer
" I'm not I?" George said
"Dude your totally blushing" Sapnap gasped after he said that
" DUDE DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE??" Practically yelling
" DUDE SHUT UP-" covering Sapnap mouth before anyone turned there head
"MmmMmmmMMMM" Sapnap said something but was muffled by George's hand, George took his hand off his mouth after Sapnap licked his hand attempting to get his hand off
"EWW DUDE" George said while shaking his hand and wiping it on his clothes
"Anyway- you like someone don't you???"
Dream turned to see Karl
"W-what????" Dream said stuttering, he wasn't expecting Karl to say that out of no where
"Cmon Dream you totally like someone!"
"Where'd you get that idea?" Dream said sarcastically
"The fact your not paying attention to your favorite subject, AND your blushing like crazy, Just tell me who it is dude!!!"
Karl said almost about to get the teacher to turn around
"Ok I might like someone, but I wouldn't tell you-" Dream said quickly
"Is it George?"
Dream turned his head quicker than you can say hi,
"W- HUH???" Dream said making the teacher definitely turn around
" I KNEW IT!!" Karl yelled loudly

Dream grabbed his notebook and ran out of the classroom and into the boys restroom.
He locked himself in the stall wondering just how Karl knew.....
"How??? How the hell could he guess, was I doodling him???......" Dream checked his notebook,
"No I wasn't..... Was I mumbling-"
Just then Karl walked in and knocked on the stall Dream was in
"Occupied" Dream yelled
"Dream get out here..."
Dream unlocked the door and walked out
Karl grabbed Dreams wrist and walked to the storage closet
"What is it Karl?"
"I wanted to talk to you ok?"
"........" Dream was silent
"How did you know I liked him?"
" I didn't! It was a joke I thought was funny until you ran out and didn't come back," Karl said
"Dream.....are you gay?"
Dream looked back at Karl
"What- I-" Dream kept saying stuttering
"Look I don't know ok?!"
Karl put his hands in his shoulders
"Dream it's fine! There's nothing wrong about it" Karl said trying to calm him down
"But what if George finds out I like him and thinks I'm weird??? What if someone else finds out and tells everyone? What if-" Karl cut him off again but by this time giving him a hug
"Dream, no one is going to think that, and if they do I'll beat them up, ok?"
"Please don't tell anyone Karl" Dream said about to start crying,
"I won't I swear Dream, just let it out"

Dream started crying in Karls shoulder

( I'm not used to this sappy crap but I say I probably did ok, ALSO KARL WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO POP INTO MY HEAD OK????? )

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