Part 7 ( SMUT )

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TW⚠️ Degrading, nicknames (maybe idk ), wrist-binding, begging, rough, consent obviously 🙄

OKAY SO BEFORE I WRITE THIS, I just wanna say it deleted the whole chapter so I had to restart and im legit pissed because I feel like throwing up and im going to have to start over in one night, so this is gonna be fun :) also no this is not the last chapter, I planned this whole thing out and I have more plans after this 👍



Don't worry I'm praying too🧎‍♂️

Dream was taken a-back by Georges request but knew why he was asking,

" Mind asking me that again, George? I couldn't hear you the first time~ " Dream asked him in a cocky tone of voice

George clenched Dreams again and nudged his knee harder earning a shaky breath from Dream

"You heard me Dream...."

George said into Dream's ear, turning him on more than he was already.

"Well I can't turn down such an offer now can I?" Dream said leaning into Georges neck. Dream started kissing and sucking on George's neck leaving small purple-reddish all over, Dream was able to hear George's heavy breaths and small moans with each one he left on his skin,

Dream started to reach one of his hands down-wards past Georges torso into his jeans, George clenched Dreams shirt harder knowing what was about to happen. Dream started stroking George's member letting out louder moans than earlier.  Dream started to go faster with each passing minute, but it wasn't enough for George....he wanted more from Dream

"D-Dream..." George managed to say in-between moans and pants for air
"Yeah?" Dream said with a tad bit of concern in his voice, worried he didn't do anything wrong. The lack of movement ticked George off a bit

"pl-please...." George attempted to say, but with tragic fail stuttering at almost the one word it-self, Dream was clicking the top of his mouth waiting for George to continue

"P-please...put it inside me quick..!" George said looking into Dreams eyes with pleading and begging ones

(Damn we gettin right into the good stuff 😫💅)

Dream was relived that he wasn't hurting the other one
"If you insist...~" Dream said into George's before shoving him down onto his back, letting a small whine out of George.
"You are okay with this, correct?" Dream asked as he fiddled with George's belt buckle, George nodded eagerly wanting Dream to hurry up 

Dream took off George's jeans and boxers exposing George's dick to the cold air
"I didn't know you were that horny George~..." Dreams said teasingly
"Screw off dream...~" George said in response. Dream finally started to un-do his own pants making George turn a light shade of red, when Dream finally got off his pants and George returned his gaze and almost gasped at Dreams length
George was getting impatient, that's when Dream in one swift motion grabbed both of George's wrists with only one of his hands leaving another one open to do what ever he wanted to with it, he brought 3 fingers to George's mouth

"Suck slut~" Dreams said in a cocky yet inpatient tone, George obliged and started sucking Dreams fingers coating them in hot saliva, after George finished coating Dreams fingers he lowered them to George's entrance and without warning stuck 1 finger in letting out a sluttish moan from George which was a mix of Pain and Pleasure and it drove Dream mad
"Fuck it...." Dream said under his breath
He removed his finger causing George to look down to see what had happened, only to be met with Dreams member inside him letting out yet another moan from George
"Let me know when I can go all the way in ok?..." "mhm...~" George wasted almost no time giving Dream the sign for him to go all the way in, and that's what Dream did

"Mhm-....aH fucK~" George moaned every second, Dream started to speed up slowly letting out louder and sluttier moan from George until soon enough he was slamming into the brunette with all he had. "NGH! MHM~!, DrEAM rIGHt THeRe!~"
George let out, he hit his prostate

And was going to abuse it

Dream started hitting his prostate over and over again letting out sluttish moans from the brunette
"FucK!...drEa-M~!" George moaned, shuffling back and forth on the couch-bed
"HMmmM-...sHiT uGhNg~!" The smaller one kept yelling out moans, throwing his head back, his breath so hot you could almost see his huffs in the air
"Y-you wanted me to fucK you senseless...didn't you?~" Dream said seductively into George's ear, George was only able to respond in sluttish moans which was a good enough answer for him. "AhNggGnnN~ fUck!fucK!! MmMmmmM!~..." George said throwing his head back once more


"I don't......" Sapnap hesitated, his hand in a fist hovering over Dreams door

"I don't think I should knock on this door" He said looking over at Karl

He suddenly got an idea, he stared into Karl's eyes
"What you thinking about-" Karl said before getting pulled away by Sapnap towards his house
"If I can't spend the night there, I'm spending the night with you~" The dark haired male said turning Karl a deep shade of red

"God damnit Dream now I'm going to end up like George"

(Don't worry I'll do a Karl POV if y'all want 😗)

Back to Dream and George

"AhhHnnG-~ DrEaM iM goNna, NgHhnnG~...!"
"Me- to-o..."
A few minutes after George came all over Dreams chest and not even a minute later Dream came inside of George, coating himself all over George's walls earning one last moan from George
"You did great Georgie~..." the praise earned a small hum from George

Dream helped clean up George and change him into the black hoodie and his boxers and laid him down, then Dream changed the blankets then laid down holding George close to his chest,
He kissed the top of George's head who had already shut his eyes
"I love you George..."
"I love you too..."


Even though George had said he loved him, people still loved George.

And he had to make sure

No one could try and take George away from him.


But if y'all made it this far thanks for dealing with this shit I gotta head to sleep now it's like 1 or 2 in the morning :,)

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