Part 4

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It was at least 8:34 p.m when George woke up

He woke up to seeing Dream with his arms wrapped around him. It made George blush a little but slightly happy that his small plan worked

George decided to go back to sleep instead of getting ready for school, he knew they were both already late but it didn't really matter. George drifted back to sleep after a little bit


Dream woke up with the first thing he saw was George. He turned a deep red until deciding to get up and get ready, he already knew he was late so he just decided to walk around town

He contemplated waking up George but decided to leave him there since he was already asleep
Dream walked out the front door and just roamed around town, stopping at some places, getting some food from others,
It was a cloudy morning, it started getting warm and Dream decided to start walking home as it was probably about to storm

He looked down at his phone. He got a text from George

" Hey where are you?"

"I decided to walk around town, I'm coming home now it's about to storm"

"Really? Damn"

"Yeah, i got donuts at least-"

Dream felt some one shove him to the ground, dream dropped his phone and saw a person pick it up

It was a girl who picked it

" Hey do you mind bitch?"

He realized it was a girl from his school, a girl who like George....a lot

" Oh look its the masked weirdo George hangs out with "

" Bitch why the hell do you have my phone?"

" well it looked like you were texting my boyfriend"

" He's single you plastic airhead "

" Yeah ok,"

She started looking at the texts

" Oh he's at your house? what are you gay" The girl said snickering

The girl didn't realize dream walked up to her with an iron pole

He didn't have gloves so he had his hands in his hoodie sleeves to act like gloves

" Look at this sappy crap-"

Dream hit her in the head with it and she screamed after he hit the ground


Dream covered the girls mouth and grabbed one of her arms with the other

He twisted her arm around and snapped it in half, the girl was screaming in pain crying at the top of her lungs
The bone was tearing through her skin and he got a good half of the bone out before snapping that part off,

The girls muffled crying and yelling was getting louder

Dream had a large piece of bloody bone in his hand, it was sharping having just been snapped off the girl poor girls arm

He stabbed the girl in the neck with her bone killing her,

Dream got up and left the girl in the ally way to rot, he picked up his phone and got his hands out of his sleeve

He rant to he nearest bathroom and washed the blood off his clothes and his face


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