Part 3

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Dream was talking to George on there way to their last class of the day that they shared
Dream thought George would skip school because of what happened the day before

"Hey I thought you have stayed home, what happened?"

"Oh yeah my neighbors, they stay home all day blasting loud music and I didn't wanna stay there"

"Well that makes sense-"

As soon as Dream said that they both walked past two girls,

They were whispering about George

"hey did you see George?"
"Yeah he looks good today...."
"I'm planning on asking him to prom"

"I think the fuck not" Dream thought to himself


After class everyone had a little free time so after class Dream left Karl,Sapnap, and George and went to the nurses office



"This kid in the hallway in on the floor unconscious I think you might need to go over there!"


The nurse ran out as fast as she could

"That's worked easily" Dream said under his breath

He walked over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle along with a syringe

He filled it up and walked out


He found the two girls chatting near the storage closet

"Hey girls follow me I wanna ask you guys something private"

"Umm about what?" One of the girls asked

"Umm George I know who's he's taking to prom,"

"Oh! Well who???" They both said jumping up and down

"Follow me" Dream said as he walked into the storage closet

The girls followed him in practically running
They were so eggar to know that they didn't realize that Dream had locked the door behind them both

He walked up to them

"So I heard it's this one girl named Jessica....."
Dream started pulling the needle out
And in one swift motion got the needle out and stabbed the first girl in the neck killing her so he didn't have to use any of the liquid because there was only enough for one person


Dream put his hand over her mouth so no one could hear her then injected the syringe into her causing her to pass out on the floor,

He put both the bodies into this one music box and then cleaned up the blood

An hour later Dream got the box and brought it back to his house placing it in his basement
He unlocked the box and placed the dead girl on a table and the alive one in a chair tied up and then Dream left for a while until the girl woke up


The girl woke up, she didn't know what happened until she remembered what happened and gasped

And turned her head and saw her dead friend on the table
She started crying seeing her dead friend and how she might end up like her

She heard the door open and closed her mouth

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