Part 5 ( lime )

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George snapped back to reality, he was day dreaming about the murder

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry I was thinking about something," George said looking up at Dream

" well you were day dreaming for about 10 minutes," Dream said sarcastically

" You wanna grab lunch? we were gone for a while " Dream asked while they walked over the a pizza parlor

"Sure, and ill pay this time" George said putting his hand around his neck

while walking over to the pizza parlor George noticed missing posters everywhere, all of different people,

all people George knew,

all people George hated,

they walked in and ordered there pizza and left, on there way to the parking lot both Dream and George noticed police tape covering up an alley way, they both decided to go check it out,

it was a police investigation, Dream suddenly noticed the area

there was white tarp covering up a dead body, with a pool of blood coming out from under it soaking up the bottom of the tarp, right next to the body.

a iron pole.

there was a piece of tarp that was folded over due to the wind revealing the face of the dead body, it was the girl Dream had murdered earlier

George and Dream saw, George knew exactly who it was.

he got all warm again as he looked at the body than at Dream, George walked back to the car with the pizza with Dream following behind him. They drove back home and walked in, George placed the pizza on the counter

" Well that was a trip wasn't it? " George said sighing from exhaustion while opening the pizza and grabbing a slice

" You could say that again, " Dream said while grabbing himself a slice of pizza

they sat in the kitchen chatting and making jokes while eating the pizza until it was all gone, they continued talking until they heard a knock at the door. Dream walked over to go answer it, it was Sapnap

"Oh hey Sapnap! What are you doing here?"

"Well I noticed you two weren't at school today and I wanted to come check up on you" Sapnap said

"Oh I just over slept a little to much today," Dream said rubbing the back of his neck

"Oh hey Sapnap!" George said walking over to the door

" I just got here, I decided to hang out with Dream for a little bit then get back home. " George said while placing his hands behind his back

Sapnap checked his phone and his eyes widened

" OH SHIT- I gotta go if i wanna make it back on campus in time, Bye see you later!" Sapnap yelled as he ran off

, George turned around and walked back inside as Dream followed and shut the door

George sat on the couch and faced towards Dream

"Well now what?" George asked Dream with a look in his eyes

just as George said that it started to rain again,
(Rip Sapnap ig )

Dream just stood there out of shock trying to figure out if it was just good timing or something else

"Hello? Dream " George said, at this point George had grabbed Dreams hoodie collar

" Dream! " George said, he still didn't have Dreams attention, so he decided to pull him over the couch, falling onto George. Dream had finally snapped back into reality, he saw he was on top of George and immediately got off of him

" OH UM- Sorry George!" Dream said putting his hands up in front of himself

George waited until Dream stopped apologizing until he repeated himself

" Now what? " He said again

" I don't know "
The blonde was trying to figure out what they could do

" I got it! " George said as he shot up and ran over to Dreams second couch

He yelled over for Dream to help him shove the couch over to his other couch

after they finished moving the couch it was pushed up to his first one so it made a small wide bed, George ran over to Dreams room and grabbed blankets and pillows and threw them onto the couch bed, after the couch bed thing was finished,George threw himself onto the couch bed and so did Dream

" Why did we even make this? Are you planning on staying the night again or what,"

"Might as well, Its Friday, I don't have anything planned, and both of our parents are over seas for two months. Why not?" George said while looking at the ceiling

Dream got up and walked over to a small closet, George sat up a little bit and looked at dream while he walked over to the closet

"What are you doing?"

Dream pulled out a cardboard box and walked back to the couch bed thing ( Idk what to call it tbh )

" Wanna play Monopoly? "


a few hours had passed since they had started the game, at this point it was dark now at least 7:04 now and it was 2:35 when they started ( Like i said a while )

" Ill be taking that rail road thank you! " George said teasing Dream as he took one of his 3 rail roads now leaving him with 2, but just as George said that, Dream finished his turn, as George rolled the dice he got 5, and he landed on Dreams property

" And ill be taking that 300 thank you~ " Dream said taking the 300 hundred from George

George looked down and saw that Dream was starting to beat him, by a long shot making George start to panic, George was usually good at board games how could start to lose now?

Dream looked up slightly and saw George start to panic, he decided to give George a choice

" I can give you 500-" Dream said before getting cut of by George

"REALLY?!??!?!" George said as he perked up with pleading eyes

" You didn't let me finish, I will give you $500... if" Dream said trailing off

" If??? " George said waiting for Dream to answer him,

" If you give me a kiss~" Dream said closing his eyes with a cocky tone thinking he actually did something

as soon as Dream opened his eyes he saw George lunging towards him

George was cupping Dreams face while sitting on his lap kissing him

Dream was in shock, he felt Georges lips against his, it was one of the best feelings Dream has ever felt in his life

it was a good long 10 seconds and he expected George to let go but he kept it going

Dream decided to explore Georges mouth,

George started to place his hands on Dreams torso,George finally broke the kiss leaving a string of saliva in the middle of them

" So do I get the $500 now~ "

Author yes hi hello its me the bitch that made this, sorry its so short
anyway i hope this chapter wasn't bad, as soon as I get this chapter out imma start on the next one soooo yeah,

also imma change the title again OK BYEEEE

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