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TW: MENTIONS ON SUICIDE, HANGING ( skip after George meets up with Sapnap and Karl until u see the - )

( we finna be fancy. Anyway- few
I'm gonna put them in school because lord help my soul I cannot make them getting up In the morning after sex. Anyway with the story, also again thank you for all the support it means much, much more than you think!)


Dream walked into school helping George a little bit because of last night. They were talking like nothing had even happened

But something was a little different about the school,
There were security cameras in every corner of the school
"Shit......" Dream mumbled under his breath,
George was in class tapping his pen and taking notes...well....what you could call notes. He couldn't stop thinking about last night, and how he wanted to go back too that, re-live it somehow.

He slouched back in his chair waiting for class to be over. "Only 15 more minutes-"

Some one tapped his shoulder
"Hey George" some girl behind him said
"Meet me after class, here"
The girl passed him a note, it had a time and place on it

After class meet me at room 503

Room 503 was a abandoned class room which teachers keep trying to renovate but always never have the time or just forget, so it's been left there. Kids usually go there to either hang out or fuck, either way and George wasn't gonna take those odds.

After class he saw Dream, he walked past him, but not without slipping Dream the note, George walked into the bathroom to avoid the girl. And Dream walked towards room 503, but he grabbed a piece of wood leaning against the wall a few feet before he made it to the door. This room was the only one without a camera, that's why the girl wanted him in there,

He opened the door and saw the girl, before she could even turn around. Dream hit her with the huge chunk of wood knocking her out.


George gave Dream the note, he knew Dream wasn't going to put up with it and George sure as hell wasn't going in there. George still didn't know Dream was killing people, but he did want Dream to talk to her, tell her something- anything to get her to stop bugging him

(Forgot to mention she's been bugging him for a while about it )

George walked of the bathroom and met up with Sapnap and Karl,
"I'm sure Dream will meet up with us soon..."

(Skip here for the TW )

The girl woke up, but not on the ground. Instead standing on a chair, she felt something around her throat
It was jagged, leaves small burns in her neck. Not to mention it was itchy as hell

"Oh hey your awake!"
"What happened? And what's on my neck"
"Ohhhh, you mean the rope?"
The girls eyes widened as she felt it, it was indeed roped,
It was a noose.

"GET IT OFF!" The girl screamed, you could hear the shiver in her voice. She knew if she made any harsh or jerky movement she could kick the chair over and choke to death.

"Afraid I can't to that,"
"Because how else would you die? It's not like I can just beat you to death, I wanna watch"
The girl yelled, desperately trying to get someone's, anyone's attention but to no avail

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