Last words...[ final ]

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Ok on with the story


It was the day of Dreams trail, Everyone was there but George

George wasn't there, he was at home, crying on his bed
It's not like he could be there, listening to what they were going to do to his lover, he wanted to know. But no way in hell could he actually be there, listening to it

"Why did you do it Dream...

George heard a knocking at the door, he didn't answer, until he heard a familiar voice

"'s Sapnap and Karl, can we come in?...."

Karl and Sapnap walked in and went into George's room, to see his hair a mess and his eyes red from the crying.

"What are they going to do to him? Is he okay? What happened!"
George immediately swarmed them with questions, he stopped when he saw Sapnap trying to fight back tears
" you know what happened?"

Sapnap started explaining what happened


"Clay Darson, you have been accused of 6 accounts of murder coursing over the time of 1 month and 3 weeks, do you have anything to say for yourself of why you would do such a thing?!" The judge said setting her gavel
"Yes ma'am, I in fact do!" Dream said in a semi-happy tone of voice sending the entire crowd shivers

"George Carven,"
(idk I'm making last names up)

"George who?"
"George Cavern, the boy I have fallen in love with. The prettiest male I have ever seen, his brown fluffy hair, his blue and brown eyes, his porcelain skin. I would do anything for him"

"He told you to murder the 6 people?"

"No ma'am, everyone wanted him. They went as far as to almost raping him. No way in hell I would let anyone lay a finger on him, I want to protect him! It's my main goal, but it looks like I won't be able to finish my task now...."

"I see. Well there was no need to go as far as to murdering the people, you could have just called the cops!"

"I would have done there job better then them anyway, making sure they can't ever get near him again"

"Well. I have heard all I need to hear from you,"

"Clay Darson, I sentences you to death by electric chair"

Dream didn't do anything about it, not a thing, he just accepted he was going to die, and not be able to finish his main goal


George had his hands over his mouth, tears rolling down his face,

"There going to kill him an hour, he said his last wish was to see you again, or at least you be there...."

George was at a loss for words, there was no way of trying to hold back crying now
And Karl hugged him tightly,

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