Part 2

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Bro I had no clue what to
Do for this one

Dream and Karl walked out of the closet and met up with George and Sapnap being that it was the end of there class.
"Hey guys!" George said smiling
"Hey" Dream said back,
"Finally this Mask is coming in handy" he thought to himself, he was blushing but it was covered by the mask

Karl and Sapnap were talking and Dream was talking to George about what they were going to do after school

"Wanna come over to my house? Me and Sapnap are going to hang out and Karl might come to, it would be nice if you came!"

"Oh yeah sure I don't have anything planned,"

"Great! See you there" George said as they left each other to get to there next class


Dream started getting ready to go to George's house
He was excited and nervous, he had been there before but he remembered George saying

"My parents won't be home so-"

George started talking after that but when Dream heard that he had a mental reboot

Dream adjusted his mask before he left, he wasn't wearing anything special but he wasn't wearing baggy clothes, more like a white shirt tucked into jeans with black gloves with rolled up sleeves

{ nothing "special" but he still looked good 👍}

He walked over to George's house and met up with Sapnap

"Hey Sapnap, I see you brought Karl"

"Yeah he didn't have anything planned"

"My parents were fighting again, this was basically my last option haha" Karl said laughing at the depressing remark

"Well I'm sorry to hear that Karl, hope it's better when you get back" Dream said patting Karl on the shoulder
Just then George opened the door

"Oh hey guys! Come in"

"Thanks!" They all said while walking in

"What do you guys wanna do first?"

"Truth or dare?" Sapnap suggested

"I'm down" Karl said

"Yeah ok as long y'all don't dare me strip" George said laughing

They all sat down in a small circle and started daring each other

"Sapnap truth or dare" George said


"I dare you to play Seven minutes in heaven with Karl" George said giggling

"THATS THE FIRST DARE???" Sapnap yelled flustered

After a little bit of yelling Sapnap walked with Karl into a different room and Dream and George started laughing and try to hold back a huge laugh when they heard two small thuds hit the wall

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