Chapter one

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Dani's point of view

"How's the album coming along?" Kells asked as him and Megan walked into the studio as Travis and I were walking out of the booth. "So good, I can't wait to play it for everyone" I grinned as Megan handed me a McDonald's bag. "I thought Rook was coming with y'all" I said, sitting down to eat. "He was but he didn't know if you'd be comfortable having him here after you know, all that went down" Kells said. "We live together so seeing him at the studio isn't gonna hurt me any more or less than it does whenever I see him at home" I said.

"You haven't came home since you two broke up" Megan said softly, placing a reassuring hand on my back. "I know" I sighed. "It still hurts" I added. "You need to come home soon, you've to pack your case for tour" Kells said. "Oh fuck, I completely forgot we're leaving in the morning" I said. "If it helps, Rook isn't gonna he home until later tonight. Kells and I can help you clear your stuff from the room you two shared" Megan said.  "Yeah please, we can just leave it in the spare room and I can sort it all after tour" I said.

Once I was finished in the studio I made my way back home to the EST house and began to pack all my things from Rook and I's room. Once I had everything moved into the spare room, I began to pack for tour before going for a shower. Once I was done in the shower I made my way back to the spare room, which I guess is my new room.

After getting into my pyjamas and drying my hair, I began to get the room sorted so that I wouldn't have much left to do when we got back from tour and I was trying to hide from Rook because I'm still not ready to see him yet. "Dani, you in here?" I heard Megan call as there was a knocking on the door. "Yeah, come in" I shouted in reply. "We're all ordering Chinese, do you want anything?" She asked. "Yeah, just get me my usual please" I said as I hung some jackets up in the wardrobe. "Do you wanna join us?" She asked. 

"Rook still isn't home and I don't think he will be for a while Kells was saying" She added. "Yeah, I'll be down in a couple of minutes I'm just hanging up the last of my jackets" I said. Once I was finished sorting out the room for the night, I grabbed an hoodie and put my sliders on and made my way down stairs. "Oh shit, is that a wild Dani I see?" Slim joked. "Haha, very funny" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "How you been though?" He asked, pulling me into a hug.

"I've been better but I'm getting there" I smiled. "I'm just looking forward to touring and making new memories" I added as Jaden walked into the kitchen. "Thanks for inviting me to tour with you man, it's gonna be so much fun" Jaden said. "Thanks for coming man" Kells said. "Hey Dani, how's the album coming along?" Jaden asked, sitting at the table beside me. "It's going good, I finished it today" I grinned. "Sick, I can't wait to hear it" He replied. "Are you gonna perform the songs from it on tour or a mix of your old stuff as well?" He asked as Ashleigh gave us all our food.

"A mix I think, I'm gonna wait to perform my new stuff for my own tour once this album is released" I said. "Speaking of releasing your album, when's the release party?" Baze asked. "Next Friday then the album is being released at midnight" I said. "Is you know who invited?" Jaden asked. "Well I can't really leave him out of the party is while we're on tour" I said. "Do you want him there?" Ashleigh asked. "Not particularly but as much as I hate it, he's had a big impact on my life and he's featured on the album so it makes sense for him to be there" I said.

"I'd feel bad if we were all off partying and celebrating my album release and he's stuck back in the hotel alone" I added. "It's your call but if you don't want him there or you want him to leave, just let me know" Ashleigh said. "Thanks Ash but it's fine, I'll just ignore him" I laughed. Once we were all finished eating, we cleaned up and sat around talking. "Hey guys, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Tiffani" I heard Rook say. "I'm gonna take that as my cue to leave, I'll see y'all in the morning. Goodnight guys" I said, standing up and making my way to my room. Before I could even reach the top of the stairs, the tears started falling.

"Hey" Jaden said, peeking his head round the door. "Mind if I come in?" He asked. "Work away" I sniffled. "Are you okay?" He asked, sitting across from me on my bed. "Stupid question, I know you're not" He said, causing me to giggle a little. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked. "There's not much to really say" I said. "He dumped me out of the blue and that's it, no reason or nothing" I added. "Damn, that sucks. I thought you and Rook were gonna be forever" He said.

"Yeah, I thought that too but I guess not" I said. "And what hurts even more is that he's already with someone else not even two week after we've broken up" I said. "Yeah, I'd say that really hurt" He said.
"It did but if he's happy then that's all that matters I guess" I said. "Hey, I just came to see if you were okay" Megan said, walking into my room. "I thought I was getting over him but I guess not" I said. "Babe, it's okay to feel this way" Megan said, sitting on my bed and pulling me in for a hug.

"You two aren't over long and he has a new girlfriend already, feeling like this is completely natural" She said. "I guess so" I said. "I was just holding out hope that we'd get back together" I added. "And that's normal. I know I'd be the exact same as you are right now if Kells and I ever broke up" She said. "Do what you do best" Jaden said. "Put your feelings into your music, write a song about how you feel" He added. "Jaden, you genius" I grinned. I got up and threw on a hoodie and my sliders and ran down to the we have in the house.

"Whoa, where you off to in such a rush" Kells laughed as I ran into him. "Can't talk, call Travis and have him meet me in the studio. I've the perfect idea for one last song for my album" I shouted, running towards the studio, Megan and Jaden following behind me. Once I got there, I sat down and began writing. As soon as Travis arrived, we worked together on the melody and got into the booth to record the song. "What's going on here?" Ashleigh asked, walking into the studio.

"I wrote one last song for my album" I said. "Oh, okay" Ashleigh laughed before leaving. Once we had finished the song and recorded it, I sent it off to my label to add to the track list. "Thanks so much for coming over. Your the best" I said, hugging Travis. "It's not a problem" He laughed. "I owe you one" I said as we all walked out of the studio. Once Travis left, we all said good night and made our way to our rooms.

"Hey Dani" Jaden said, standing in the doorway. "What's up?" I said. "Do you mind if I crash here? The couch is uncomfortable and it's hurting my back" He laughed. "Of course not" I said, getting into bed and making room for Jaden. "Thanks" He said, getting into bed beside me.

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