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We somehow finished the tour and came back to Korea.  Sanha was still avoiding me as much as he can. But in front of camera and Aroha he always acted like nothing has happened and I'm not even a part of his life. He suddenly became mature. He talks like an adult Infront of the members and don't want to do agoye anymore. He even started to go to gym with Bin, the place that he always hated the most. All of these happened within a short period of time. So I wasn't  sure about how should I react. I couldn't even tell Rocky about what had happened that night. Because I know him well, he didn't do that on purpose. If I told him everything then maybe he would help me to make Sanha understand but he will feel guilty. Suddenly we got a call from our company. We were told to be on a hiatus for some issues related to our company. We don't know how long it will take us to be in normal situation and make our comeback. So we all decide to go to our home and stay with our family for that time being , but we also decided to meet at least once in a month when everyone will have free time. We all packed our things and stated our painful journey with an uncertain future. Bin Eunwoo had already left, When Sanha was leaving the dorm I finally gathered up courage and went to talk to him one more time. Because of his sudden change I was afraid to face him. What if he reacted negatively!.

MJ: Sanha
He just looked back at me without replying

MJ: C-can you please go and have a cup of coffee with me?
I was hoping that he will say yes at least this time because we won't be able to meet each other for a long time, but he started to laugh and i was surprised as hell.

S: Hyung, don't you even remember that I can't drink coffee?? Come on , you should at least know this much about your team mates. However thanks for inviting me but sorry I can't join you. I'm kind of busy today.

MJ: What about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or whenever you have time?

S: Hyung what's wrong with you ! My home is almost 5-6 hours away from yours. And I don't  really want to cross even 5 minutes distance to have some coffee or some fast foods. So sorry and see you after the end of our hiatus. Goodbye.

He waved goodbye to me and I became shocked to hear that goodbye from him. Why did he say goodbye? Won't he come back to me anymore, or the reunion that we had planned for every month? My head stated to ache and I couldn't take this anymore so I just sigh and started my journey. I was a bit happy that at least I'll see him once a month and I'll call him everyday. I won't let him stay mad at me for a long time.

After that day Sanha never called me nor even receive any of my calls. I've called him thousands times but he never answered any of these. And he didn't replay to my countless sms. He didn't even attend any of our reunion. Every time I was waiting for him with my eyes full of hope that may be he will come , may be he will be a bit late, or maybe he is stuck in traffic. But each time I became disappointed. He gave some extremely good excuse to avoid our meeting. At our 6th reunion, JinJin , Eunwoo and Bin ordered him to come and he said that he will definitely come this time. So I was just waiting for the day of our reunion. Finally the day come. I was super excited after all I'm going to see him after a whole frickin 6 months. I've reached to the restaurant almost 1 hour earlier than the schedule time. Eventually Rocky, Eunwoo, Bin and JinJin arrived the restaurant, JinJin was a bit late but we are happy to see each other. We hug each other tightly and JinJin ordered our foods . Everyone is chatting and smiling but I was looking at my watch and at the door frequently. Sanha isn't there till now. I keep looking at the door in every minute but Sanha don't come even after 45 minutes. I've called him but his phone was unreachable . I'm worried about him. All my thoughts come to an end when I hear Rocky taking about Sanha.

R: Why Sanha isn't coming yet?. It's already been 1 hour.

JJ: Actually I forget to tell you that he isn't coming today too.

MJ: What, why?? He said that he will definitely come this time. He even promised to you guys. Then why not?

JJ: Hyung calm down. He called me in the evening and said that he is extremely busy and can't come. They are having some family issues.

MJ: What he actually think of himself?  We are all busy too. When we can find time then why not he?

EW: Hyung please!

MJ: You know what, I should have known that he won't come today too. He will never try to know how am I? Am I still alive or already died because of all this shit. He can only misunderstand and avoid me as if I'm a fucking characterless who can just sleep with anyone

Everyone become surprised at his sudden outburst but thankfully everyone except Rocky know the reason behind his actions. Every time he come with  eyes full of hope and return with eyes full of tears. Everytime he hopes that may be Sanha will come and run to hug him with a smiley face but he never shows up. He has become an expert in making excuses. It seems that Sanha has disappeared from their lives. MJ is suffering the most . He always feels that he is the reason behind all this. This could have been stopped if he didn't stay alone in the room with Rocky, if he didn't send sanha to bring water, if he didn't kiss Rocky back to comfort him, only if......, 😔😔

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