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I wake up from sleep at the sound of knocking at the door. I still can't open my eyes properly. So I just look at my watch, it 9.30 am. I was about to get up from the bed when I feel that something rather someone is sleeping peacefully placing his head on my chest. Finally I remember that I'm actually staying at his place . The door is still being knocked. So I decide to answer it staying there.

S: Who is it?

Maid: Sir it's me Anna. Mam is calling for both of you to have breakfast with her.

S: Ok we are coming within 15 minutes. Thank you Noona.

She then leave the place and I finally look at M hyung who is now trying to open his eyes but still hugging me tightly by my waist.

S: You are awake? Now please get off me. I really can't move my right hand and leg.

MJ: I don't want to. And you need to make yourself habituate to bear this types of pain and much more in future.

I can clearly see a smirk on his face. I suddenly feel that my cheeks are burning. Wait.. Am I blushing?? Then I try to look away from him and suddenly find that a white duvet is covering our half naked bodies, but I clearly remember that we didn't cover ourselves last night. Then who did it, and also the light. It is now turned off but last night it was on when we fall asleep

S: Hyung did anyone come in your room last night after we fall asleep? Wait.. did you lock the door yesterday?

MJ: Why? No one enter in my room without my permission, so I don't need to lock it. That's why I just closed the door last night.

S: Shit!! We are doomed . I'm just praying that your parents didn't enter.

MJ: What are you saying?

MJ asked it with a confused face while moving from my chest.

S: Look at the surrounding and you will get it all why I'm being worried.

I said this getting up from the bed and I was about to search for my T-shirt in the floor as He just threw it away yesterday but I find it placing on the table besides his bed.

S: Look at this. Now I'm 100% sure that we are in great trouble. I'm going to fresh up and you better arrange yourself and be prepared to face the person who saw us like this last night

I quickly go to the bathroom while M hyung is still trying to remember whether he locked the door or not.

After 15 minutes both of them go to the dining area and see that Mr Kim and his elder son is about to leave for their office and Mrs Kim is helping them. Sanha just greeted them good morning.

MR KIM: Good morning Sanha. I didn't see you for a long time. How are you? Did you stay here yesterday?

Sanha just nodded at his questions.

MR KIM: That's great. You should keep coming here frequently. Because only with You my younger son become responsible and caring. He becomes happy and cheerful too.  You two really look like best friend of same age.😁 However I'm getting late, see you later.

Sanha bid him and sit in the table with MJ. He is still thinking about what if someone really saw them together last night.

MRS KIM: Sanha I've made all these for you. I know all of them are your favorite. So start to eat.

S: Thank you aunty.

They just finish their breakfast without saying anything. After finishing their breakfast MRS KIM told MJ to drop Sanha to his home. Both of them leave the house without any further delay . MJ drops Sanha Infront of their apartment and return to his home.

MRS KIM: You are back? Did you drop him safely?

MJ: Yea mom. And I'm tired because of this long journey. So I'm gonna go and take some rest.

MRS KIM: wait.. I need to talk to you. Come and sit here.

MJ: About what? Is it urgent?

MRS KIM: Yes. It's about you and Sanha.

MJ becomes silent to hear that. Does this mean that it was his mother who saw them together yesterday? MJ go and sit besides her. He is ready to face anything just to protect his relationship with Sanha.

MRS KIM: Yesterday I went to your room to call you and Sanha for dinner. I knocked the door but it was open already. So I entered inside and saw both of you were sleeping being super intimate with each other. Friends normally doesn't do this right? So what's your relationship with Sanha? I want to listen the truth. So just tell me.

MJ: MOm.. actually. I... We..

MJ keep lowering his head and can't think of looking at his mother's eyes. He is afraid that if his mom don't understand and accept him as he is. What if she tell him to break up with Sanha, what if she starts to hate him, what if...??? His eyes becomes blurry and tears are threatening to fall.

MRS KIM: Just answer my question for God sake.

MJ: Mom I love him, actually we love each other a lot.. and we are dating for more then 1 year now.

The room become completely silent for some time. No one of them is talking..  it seems like time has stopped.  Then Mrs Kim decide to break the silence. And her words force MJ to cry harder keeping his face on His moms hands..

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