'What About Us?'

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Caitlin's pov
"Come on man. It's been 6 months since Iris dumped you. It's time to move on and find something to do with your time other than whine about your miserable life" Cisco voiced out in frustration sighing overdramatically.

"Cisco leave him alone. People cope in different ways" I retorted glancing at Barry who just sat there with a permanent frown on his face.

Cisco rolls his eyes at my statement "She has a new boyfriend and Barry still looks like a walking zombie" He pointed out directing his gaze towards Barry who shook his head in disagreement.

"I can't just 'get over her' Cisco. She was the love of my life" Barry declared boldly standing up from his chair and glaring at Cisco intently.

"Some relationships aren't meant to last forever Barry" Cisco reminded him as I listened patiently to their exchange. Something similar occurs every other day and this routine has gotten slightly monotonous.

"But she was meant to stay forever. We were suppose to get married, we saw the future remember? "West-Allen". We were suppose to be happy. It was fate" He argued trying to cling to his dead love.

"It was a probability. You know how the theory of time works Barry. There is an endless loop of possible futures. You saw one out of the millions of possibilities" Cisco clarified making Barry deepen his frown. He sighed sadly sitting back down on the chair in defeat.

"I-I know its just-it's hard man" Barry admitted looking at the floor.

"Come with us. It's karaoke night and it's all you can get for 40$. Worse comes to worst, you can always comfort yourself in food" Cisco added with hopeful eyes. Barry was about to reject his offer for the 20th time when he surprised us both by complying with a force smile.

"okay fine. I am hungry and need food" Barry agreed looking up to meet Cisco's gaze and then mine. I gave him an approving smile while patting his shoulder comfortingly.

"You'll have fun" I reassured with a smile and he nodded his light mood already dimming as the seconds ticked by.

"Alright. I'll see you two lame losers at 8 o'clock" Cisco smiled gathering his belongings.

"Where are you going?" I asked curiously watching him as his picked up his coat.

"I'm picking up my girlfriend" He smirked opening a breach.

"Who lives in a parallel universe" Barry added.

"Another normal day at S.T.A.R labs" I grinned humorously as Cisco bid his goodbyes and walked through his opened breach disappearing almost instantly.

"Jitters? My treat." I asked light-heartedly turning my attention to Barry.

"I'll give you a ride" He grinned lifting me up and speeding to the back of the Jitters coffee shop.

"You didn't even let me grab my purse" I argued with a playful glare.

"You didn't think I would actually let you pay did you Cait?" Barry questioned with a smile as he held the door open for me.

"I was hopeful" I admitted as he walked in after me.

"What type of friend would I be?" He asked playfully.

"A normal friend" I reasoned making him chuckle in response.

"Well you and I both know that I am anything but normal" He smiled genuinely for the first time in a really long time and I couldn't help but reciprocate his smile with one of my own.

"Speaking facts"  I said with a small grin and he laughed in response. A wave of red lightning flickered in his eyes making me cease my current conversation short and glance at him worriedly.

"Barr what's wrong?" I asked in concerned but he didn't reply making me turn around to follow his gaze. As soon as my eyes landed on the familiar brunette I frowned sadly. Iris was accompanied by none other than her current boyfriend. A crime investigative reporter from the magazine she works for.

"You know I heard they just opened up a small cozy Italian pastry two streets down. We should go check it out" I encouraged pretending to be clueless about the pair sitting in a table enjoying their hot beverages.

"Let's go say hi" Barry suggested bitterly with a clenched jaw and I shook my head in disagreement.

"I don't think that's a good idea Barr" I said glancing at him. His light green eyes a much darker shade than their usual color.

"Why not? We're simply showing manners" He replied fisting his hands making me even more alert of his emotions.

"You're upset and it's not the best time" I encouraged grabbing a hold of his wrist to keep him from walking any further.

"I am perfectly aware and in control of my emotions" He argued shifting his gaze from the pair and unto me.

"Tell that to the red streaks in your eyes" I retorted with a raised eyebrow.

"Barry let's just go. You are better than whatever you're planning to do right now" I reasoned and he scoffed angrily shaking his head.

"He is not worthy of her" He growled angrily scanning her boyfriend in envy.

"Don't make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions" I voiced out pushing him gently towards the exit.

"How can she just leave?" Barry asked staring longingly at Iris.

"People change Barry. She didn't leave you. She still loves you." I argued glancing back at our friend.

"She just isn't in love with you anymore" I finally said boldly after months of walking on eggshells around him.

"What about you?" Barry asked after an awkward moment of silence.

"What about me?" I asked my heart rate anxiously picking up.

"Will you leave me too?" He asked with a frown.

"I'm here. Always. You know that" I smiled feeling my sudden wave of anxiousness slipping away.

"Good. I have no idea what I would do without you Caitlin Snow" He smiled gratefully pulling me in for a friendly hug.

"Probably go insane" I joked playfully.

"High probably indeed" He chuckled as we walked side by side momentarily forgetting the uncomfortable encounter earlier.

Hello SB fam!

I hope you liked the first one-shot story. I am most likely making a Part 2. So make sure to follow me to get notified when I update.

Let me know what you think?

Any suggestions for future one-shots?

With love always,


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