Break- Up's & Weddings

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***Before we get this one-shot started, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you all for 1.0k!!! It means the world to me and I am really grateful for each and every one of you that take the time to read and comment. As a writer, having the privilege to see readers reaction is super rewarding, especially because we put so much time and effort. So every comment means so much to us, because we do it all for you! Anyways, enough of that. HAPPY READINGS!***

Caitlin's pov

"I know you don't want to go Barr, but it would mean the world to her if you did" I sighed eyeing him sadly.

"I don't know Cait. It's-it's just hard" He said sitting down next to me with a piece of cake.

"You are her single most favorite person in this entire planet and she wants her entire family to be there for her wedding. You can't do this to Iris just because you broke up with her bestfriend. You can't be dragging her in the middle of your relationship with Fiona" I argued glaring at him while he took a bite of his cake.

"I just don't want to deal with any of this right now. We just broke up a week ago Caitlin. I can't face her"  He whined taking another bite and skinning further into my couch.

"First, you better not mess up my white couch with your stupid chocolate cake" I scolded glaring at him angrily while he just rolled his eyes  "and second, Iris comes before your break up. If it's Fiona that's keeping you from going, than Iris said she'll just tell Fiona she can't come. You are more important to her" I reasoned while he sat up straighter to avoid getting my couch dirty.

"I don't want her to choose. Fiona is her maid of honor" Barry reminded making me pout angrily.

"Well your childish behavior is making her choose. You obviously don't want to run into your ex but doing so means missing your sister's wedding. Let me ask you this Barry Allen. Who is more important Fiona or Iris?" I asked sternly and there was a long silence.

"Well Iris of course" He whispered and I smiled.

"Ok. Then don't be a dick and please please pleaseeeee show up to her wedding" I begged giving him puppy eyes.

"You're right Cait. I can't ruin her day because Fiona broke up with me." Barry said firmly handing what little cake he had left.

"Jeez Barr thank you for your left overs" I eyed him while glancing at the empty plate.

"Don't worry. We will eat cake at Iris's wedding" Barry smirked.

"You better pray her cake is chocolate. Otherwise, you'll owe me" I warned playfully.

"Yes ma'am" He laughed leaning back on the couch.

"Can we watch Oliver's "Green Arrow" documentary? It just came out yesterday and I was waiting so we could watch it together" He asked reaching for the remote control.

"Yeah sounds good. I didn't know Oliver shot a film, when was this?" I asked curiously as Barry logged into Netflix account.

"He told me a while back. But he texted me a couple days ago sending me a teaser trailer and told me that the documentary was coming out the 16th" Barry smiled and I nodded impressed.

"Oh wow. No wonder Felicity was hosting a party today. I guess they were throwing a premiere celebratory party" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah she asked me too but I didn't feel in the mood to party" Barry admitted too scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh Barry Allen. We are so lame" I chuckled as I laid down in my couch comfortably.

"We are quite the pair Dr. Snow" He winked and I rolled my eyes.

" Yes we are Mr. Allen" I laughed while I played the documentary.

"I'm gonna order some Thai food. DO you want any?" I asked when Barry forced me to pause the film while he went to the restroom.

"You know I'm always hungry Cait" He called out from down the hall.

"Why do I even bothering asking?" I chuckled calling my favorite Thai restaurant for a pick up order.

"Cait are you taking anyone to Iris's wedding?" Barry asked walking towards me.

"No not really. Everyone that I care about is already going" I replied grabbing a cup of water.

"Could we-uh maybe go you know-uh toge-ther?" Barry stuttered nervously playing with the hem of his sweater.

"Are you asking me to be your date Mr. Allen?" I challenged him playfully.

"Well yeah. I mean-if we are both going alone, it would be better if we went together instead" He reasoned and I smiled.

"Of course I'll be your partner Barry. You've been living in my house for a week now. We were gonna end up going together anyways" I smiled and he chuckled humorously.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you while I figure everything out with Fiona" He said gratefully glancing down at me.

"Don't even mention it. What are friends for?" I smiled as we went back to finish Oliver's documentary.

"Although, If Fiona broke up with you, she should've left, not you Barr. Plus, it's your apartment, she was the one that moved in with you, not the other way around." I reasoned eyeing him and he frowned in response.

"I know Cait but I wasn't gonna kick her out either. Plus, its just temporary" He shrugged.

"It still doesn't make it right. If she doesn't want to be with you, then she doesn't have the right to have anything of yours either. It's the decent thing to do" I voiced out in all honesty.

"Yeah well that's something we are gonna have to figure out after Iris's wedding" He shrugged tirelessly.

"Well you know you can stay here for as long as you want. I don't mind the company" I smiled sitting up to get my ringing phone.

"Thanks Cait. For everything. for housing me. For being my therapist, for being my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you" He smiled grateful reaching for my phone and handing it to me.

"Comes with a job. Who knew friends can be so exhausting?" I joked playfully while Barry chuckled.

"Oh that Thai placed called and said our order was ready for pick up. Can you pick it up?" I asked with a soft smile.

"I'll be a flash" He winked and I chuckled at his lame pun.

"Only you Barry Allen" I whispered with a genuine laugh.

Before you all ask, yes, there will be a PART 2, which I will post later this week. Please comment down below and let me know what you all think of this one-shot.

With love always,


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