It's All About Friendships Part 2

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Caitlin pov

"So what he blew you off? He's pathetic" She spat angry on my behalf sipping on her coffee while I ranted about the whole 'keep your distance' suggestion prompted by Barry.

"I don't think I should go to the party" I admitted taking a bite of my blueberry muffin as she stared at me blankly.

"Oh no sweetie. You're going. You can play the long game too" She urged me as I sighed heavily.

"I don't like parties and Allison will be there which will make going to a party even more unpleasant. How about we just order pizza and have a movie marathon?" I suggested with a small smile.

"Hell no. I want to get wasted and not on pizza" Iris argued leaning on her chair.

"If Barry doesn't want you close to him, then just ignore him until he comes back crawling begging you to forgive him" She suggested with a sly smirk playing on her lips.

"Iris! It's not like he intentionally wanted to hurt my feelings" I defended him and she rolled her eyes.

"Neither did he intentionally wanted to spill coffee all over my Gucci wallet but he did and I wanted to strangle him nonetheless" She perked irritably remembering that unfortunate event.

"Ok fine you win" I gave in with a small grin and she smirked proudly.

"I love hearing it. Ok we gotta go get ready and make Barry regret to ever tell you stay away from him" She smiled standing up and picking her purse from the chair besides her.

"I'm gonna regret ever agreeing to you aren't I?" I mused giving her a pointed look.

"Probably" She laughed dragging me out of Jitters.


We were able to find the rest of team Flash pretty easily even in the midst of the chaotic mess that is a party.

"Hello ladies" Cisco greeted with an embrace.

"No else is here yet?" I asked looking around me to just see Cisco with Gypsy.

"Barry is stuck in traffic. Cecile and Joe had to cancel last minute for the baby. Ralph is here but somewhere flirting. And now you guys" He explained as we sat by the bar while Iris ordered some drinks.

"Got it" I smiled as Iris came back with some tequila shots.

"I'm a lightweight you can't feed me tequila and expect me to be sober enough to drive you back home. I'll have a virgin pina colada please" I ordered the bartender and he nodded with a soft smile.

"You're so boring and predictable" Iris rolled her eyes playfully grabbing the second tequila shot and taking it like there was no tomorrow.

"So how are things going with Liam?" I asked sensing that Iris had come here to cope with their failing relationship.

"I don't want to talk about him now. You see this? This tequila means you can't mention his name" She explained sharply and I lifted my hands up in surrender "Dully noted" I replied with a sad smile.

"Okay fine I'll tell you. You're so stubborn" She replied as I rolled my eyes at her. "Things are going to hell with him. He barely even has time for me anymore. I get that he is CEO of his foundation and has all this pressure to carry his family legacy and blah blah blah. But honestly, his temper is driving me crazy lately. I have tried talking to him so many times but he always turns it into a fight. I am so tired of fighting so I needed to get away and get some sort of perspective" She rants only ever stopping once she needed to catch her breath.

"Wow" Cisco mumbled under his breath making Iris snap her icy glare his way.

"What does that mean? 'Wow'? Like a 'wow' this is heavy? or 'wow' he is breaking up with me?!" She asked both equally as panicked as irritably.

"Wow as in this is a conversation between the both of you and I am gonna go find Ralph" Cisco clarified saluting us and walking away from the both of us.

"That bad?" I asked after a couple moments of silence and she frowned taking a seat beside me.

"I don't wanna loose him. He is the love of my life" She admitted in sorrow and rubbed her back comfortingly.

"Then try and listen to him. Really listen to him. Not just what he tells you but listen to his body language, to his work rants, to his family rants, and everything in between. Be present in his struggle so you can get the whole picture and actually understand him" I encouraged as she wiped some tears from her face with a small smile.

"I guess you're right. I never saw it that way" She smiles pulling me in for a hug.

"Always here to give you new perspectives" I teased and she chuckled lightly.

"Talking about new perspectives, Barry and his lover just walked in. Come on. Game face" She encouraged pulling away from me with a wink.

"Hey Kaden" She called out to the bartender and turned her way "I'll pay you 20$ to flirt with my friend when that guy over there approaches us" She suggested making me gasp in shock.

"Iris" I replied sternly in disbelief.

"You don't need to pay me I'll do it for free" He said giving me a flirtatious smirk.

"Even better. Then get 20$ worth of tequila shots" She winked and he nodded.

"Hey guys" Barry greeting us walking hand in hand with his girlfriend.

"Hey Bar" Iris smiled giving him a tight soul-crushing hug "Iris you are hurting me" Barry complained under Iris grip.

"Oh am I? Sorry" She apologized half-heartedly.

"Caitlin?" Barry called me name making snap my gaze his direction. "Yeah?" I mumbled sipping on my drink.

"You good?" He asked suspiciously "Yep never better" I replied as our bartender returned with tequila shots.

"Here you go Iris" He announced sitting the shot on the table. "Is there anything you want gorgeous?" He asked me as he laid a hand on my shoulder. "No I'm good thank you Kaden" I smiled gratefully and he winked at me shamelessly before walking away.

"Who the hell is that guy?" Barry asked irritably directing his glare towards him.

"Just the bartender" Iris shrugged with a small grin.

" Who is very grabby don't you think?" Barry snapped looking at Iris.

"Meh. He's single. Cait's single and hot. Of course he will take his shot" Iris concluded with a proud smile.

"They pay him to work not flirt" Barry scoffed making Allison glare at him impatiently.

"And why do you care? Like Iris said Caitlin is single" Allison snapped angrily yanking her hand from his hold in spite.

"I'm just saying he is not being very professional. Isn't that right Caitlin?" Barry urged me to back him up.

"I don't mind it. He's cute" I shrugged as Iris eyes sparkled in excitement.

"There you go girl. Go get yourself some" She teased with a playful smirk.

"We are gonna go find Cisco" Barry interrupted us sharply grabbing Allision's and walking away before we even had a chance to say anything.

"And that is how you play the long game" Iris smirked as I chuckled in amusement.

Hey guys! Sorry it took almost 3 months to upload the second part. I have moved on to do other projects. So I am currently writing a fanfic on a tv series. If you guys like hsmtmts (and more specifically #portwell) you should definitely check out my new book in my profile.


Like I said, I am busy with my new book and I cannot double the amount of work otherwise I'll burnout and get writer's block. So this will be the last one-shot for #Snowbarry for now.

Thank you for understanding.

With love always,


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