Another Superhero in Town Part 2

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Caitlin's pov
"I'm sure we will hear something soon" Kara smiled encouraging as we walked into her favorite cafe for donuts and coffee.
"You've been saying that every day for the past 5 months. When will you stop?" I asked with a sad chuckle.
"Never" she declared in a playful menacing tone.
"Who can argue with Supergirl?" I whispered discreetly while she chuckled shushing me.
"You're the one with the super hearing remember?" I smiled as we sat in a table.
"I'm the literal embodiment of hope. How do you expect me to not be hopeful?" She smiled as she took a bite from her donut.
"I'm come terms with being stuck here forever" I smiled shrugging my shoulders.
"Plus it's not so bad here" I added positively while she just eyed me in sympathy.
"But you miss them" she reminded me.
"Of course I do. They're my family. But I can't vibrate through earths and neither can you, no matter how impressive your speed actually is" I smiled and she reciprocated with a grateful smile.
"Well you're not alone Cait. You have me and Winn and Alex" She replied gripping my hand reassuringly and I smiled gratefully.
"Even though Alex hates my guts" I reminded her with a playful eye roll
"She doesn't hate you" She said not all confident in her response.
"Uh-huh" I smiled with an expectant look.
"She's just protective and skeptical" She tried to argue taking another bite from her donut.
"It's been 5 months. If I were some evil villain wouldn't I have done something by now?" I questioned shaking my head.
"She just cares deeply and doesn't want us getting hurt. But I know that she's grown fond of you even she doesn't want to admit it. You've grown on her." She smile and I could tell her answer was genuine.
"Well when she's not being overly protective, she can be very sweet" I smiled complimenting her sister.
"Yes she can" she smiled as I took a bite from my donut. I saw Kara eyeing my donut hungrily and I handed her the rest.
"Are you sure?" She asked half-heartedly.
"You've been staring at it longingly since we've sat down. Just eat it Kara. I swear you are just like Barry. Always eating and not one pounder heavier" I shook my head disapprovingly.
"Hey! I need my food!" She argued eating my half eaten donut.
"And I need your metabolism" I deadpan while we both burst out laughing.
"We gotta go now. See you for lunch at Lena's?" Kara asked glancing at her watch.
"Yep" I smile standing up so that Kara could take me back to the DEO.
I'm currently working as a practicing physician for all the super villains daily check up routines.
The salary is not that bad either.
"Good morning!" I chimed happily making my way to my small lab.
"Morning Snow" Alex smile faintly.
"Everything alright with you?" I asked warmly.
"Yes I'm just tired. The baby kept me up all night" she chuckled and I nodded.
"You could take a nap in my patient room if you want. I have a pillow and blanket around here somewhere" I said walking into a room to retrieve them.
"I think that's alright" she rejected weakly but I insisted.
"30 minutes. Everyone needs rest. New mommas need it too" I smiled encouragingly.
"Fine. Wake me up if something comes up" She smile gratefully.
"Will do Director" I smiled as I let her get settled and close the door behind me.
"Oh and we also need milk" I reminded Kara through my phone walking towards our favorite Thai restaurant.
"Is that all?" She asked through the call and I replied with a soft yes.
"I finished the remaining yogurt too so we might want that too" I recall at the last second and Kara groaned.
"Next time you do the grocery shopping" She whined and I chuckled.
"I did it last week" I reminded her.
"Whatever" she smiled.
"I ordered Thai food" I commented trying lift her spirits.
"You did!" She gaps in excitement.
"I did" I smiled grabbing my order and thanking the waiter.
"You're the best friend I've always wanted" She squealed happily.
"Feeling is mutual Kara Danvers" I chuckled.
"Alright see you at home" I called out
"See you home" she bid her goodbye before we ended the call.
I was about to cross a street when I hear someone faintly call out my name. I looked around me but I couldn't find anyone familiar so I made my way to the substation.
Frost's senses were acting up indicating me that something was off. So I tried being more hyper aware of my surroundings. I tried telling her she was just being paranoid but I felt it too so there was no point in lying to her.
I was about to walk into my designated train when I felt a warm pair of hands pull me back gently. I let out a small gasp startle at the sudden action.
"It's me" he whispered in my ear making my whole body go rigid. I almost drop my Thai food but he reflexively caught it before it hit the ground.
At that point I wouldn't have cared that Kara would've probably killed me ruining our dinner. All I cared about was him.
"Barr?" I murmured softly in disbelief still staring blankly into the train tracks of a train I never caught.
"Yes Cait" he replied and I could feel his goofy smile against my ear. In less than a blink I made a 360 and crushed my body on his with all my might. He stumbled back a bit from my suddenness but quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around me too. I cling to him comfortingly sighing out in relief and happiness. He just held me tenderly caressing the small of my back.
"I can't believe you're here" I whispered pulling away from him slightly placing my hands on his cheeks to scan him in disbelief. I took noticed of the huge gash on his forehead with dried up blood.
"Barry" I voiced in concerned gently tracing my hands to his wound.
"I'm okay Cait" he smiled reassuringly
"Why aren't you healing?" I asked in confusion.
"Getting hear took a lot out of me, I just need to recharge" he chuckled as he stared at me almost fearing that if he'd blink I'd disappear. We both stayed quiet for a long time just staring at each other. He traced his hands through my face with a longing expression.
"I thought I'd never see your face again" he admitted sadly.
"And I thought I'd never see yours" I replied running a hand through his hair and down his neck.
We decided to go to Kara's home where I've been living these past 4 months. As I opened the front door, I could tell she wasn't home yet because I could hear her yelling about food.
"Let me get a first aid kit and clean you up" I smiled warmly leaving him briefly before getting all I needed to treat him properly.
"Sit here" I commanded softly motioning to the kitchen counter and he obliged.
I tentatively tended to his wound while he just stared at my face.
"Did you get hurt anywhere else?" I asked scanning his body for any visible injuries.
"I might have bruised ribs but nothing to major" he shrugged with a grateful smile
"Let me check just in case" I encouraged with a soft smile.
"If you want me to take my shirt off just say so Doctor Snow" He grinned playfully pulling his shirt over his head and setting it down. I scanned his upper body taking my time to admire it. He was bruised which made me frown and pull myself closer to him.
"I'm gonna apply pressure to make sure your ribs aren't broken" I instructed as I softly placed my fingertips on his rib cage to feel for any fractures. He would wince once in a while and I would whisper soft apologies.
"There appears to be no fractures. You should lay down, it will maybe speed up the healing process" I smiled pulling away from him to create some distance but he gently pulled me back by grabbing my wrists.
"I've missed you so much Cait" he whispered placing a hand on my cheek while the other tugged a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I've missed you more" I smiled tenderly at him and he smiled softly
"I'm gonna kiss you now" he chuckled lightly bringing his soft lips on mine and lovingly caressing my cheeks with both of his hands. I reciprocated by pulling myself closer to him gently moving my lips against his.
He was still sitting on the kitchen counter so I was standing in between his legs. As he deepened the kissed, he wrapped his arms around my lower back pulling my closer making my hipbone make contact with counter underneath him. He smiled into the kiss "I've been dying to do that since the moment I got here" he whispered softly and I chuckled pecking his lips and lifting my head up to meet his gaze
"I'm really happy you're here Barr" I smiled pecking his lips once more and he tighten his hold on my waist.
"Me too baby" he whispered in my ears.
"I'm guessing this is Barry. And not the Astrophysicist at the DEO" I heard a familiar female voice chuckle making me gasp in surprise.
"Kara" I called out unwrapping myself away from Barry.
"Astrophysicist?" Barry chuckled cluelessly.
"I'll explain later" I smiled warmly at him.
"Nope not our Barry. It's my Barry" I confirmed looking at Kara with burning cheeks. She smirked at my embarrassment.
"I'm Kara it's a pleasure to finally meet the infamous Flash" Kara introduced herself shaking his hand.
"You told her?" Barry voiced out in surprise.
"Oh don't worry I'm a superhero in my world too" She smiled coming to my side and fretting me by giving me a side hug.
"I told you hope can go a long way" She smiled happily.
"Well who is hungry coaster I'm starving" Kara called out setting the table in lightning speed leaving Barry with his mouth agape opened.
"I have a feeling we're gonna be best friends Kara" Barry smiled happily approaching the table.
"Wouldn't expect anything less" she smiled as she handed him a plate and he thanked her es itself scanning the food in front of him.
We spend the entire night in between snacking and playing random board games. It will definitely be a night I'll never forget.

Hello SB fam!
I hope you all love Part 2! This is the end of this one-shot! Cant wait to start on the next plot! Stay tuned for more!
As always, suggestions are welcomed!
With love always,
Bree ♥️♥️♥️

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