Chapter 1: First day (Part 1)

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Today's the day I finally get to be a surgeon. Of course as an intern I'll probably get a bunch of scut, but oh well.

"Y/n we have to leave!" That's mom calling. She and dad decided to drive with me to work today. I've lived on my own since college, but I like that they're taking me to my first day of work. It is a little daunting though considering they work at the same hospital, Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital.

I have a lot to live up to.

My mom is this gorgeous red head with green eyes that almost remind me of the Bahamian ocean I visited last year. People close to her call her Addie, but those who were intimidated and less friendly stuck to Addison or Dr. Montgomery.

I don't understand how people could be scared, she's my mom. Occasionally I call her mommy and sometimes by her full name if I'm feeling cheeky.

My dad is one of the people who calls her Addie. They're friends, have been since way before I was born. They're not together though. Just co-parents and they're the best.

My dad Mark Sloan is the best dad anyone could have. He somehow is able to work an award winning smile into every conversation and make me laugh. Sometimes I'm surprised he isn't a dentist.

He is definitely the best Plastics surgeon on the west coast if not America. He's taught me how to stitch seamlessly since I could hold a needle, and it was so much fun. Mom's technique is beautiful considering she works in Neonatal and OB/GYN, but dad's is slightly better, but I would never tell her that.

Even though they're hard working surgeons they've always made time for me. They attended every soccer game, every dance recital, and every marching band competition ever. Sure some of them were via Facetime, but they were always there for me even as dad had more kids.

See my dad was a bit of a "man whore" as mom recalls when he was younger. It took meeting his wife, Alexandra "Lexie" Grey-Sloan to make him change. They have three kids together.

Lucas "Luke/Lu" Everett is the oldest at eight. He has the cutest little voice and he's my first little brother. Nicholas "Nick/Nicky" Derek is my second and youngest brother who has the lightest ocean eyes, just like dad and the firstborn twin. Emma Caroline is the youngest and my second sister. She and Nick are five. She loves leading her brothers around like the boss she is.

My first sister is Sofia Sloan Torres who's ten. She is the daughter of my dad and Callie Torres. I call her Aunt Callie. She happens to be one of my dad and mom's best friends hence the 'Aunt'. Sofia is the only one of my siblings who doesn't live in Seattle with me, but when we're together I spoil her as much as possible.

But anyway I'm going on a tangent, I'm sure mom is waiting impatiently downstairs with dad. It's so cute that they both decided to drive me to work.

"Finally Y/n. Your mom and I were thinking you were gonna stay up there all day." I playfully rolled my eyes at dad and followed them to the car.

"Whose specialty am I on?" I couldn't wait to learn from some of the best surgeons on the west coast.

"Check your email Y/n" dad said smiling brightly at me. He was always flashing that smile.

I slowly opened my email hoping for a good attending or resident.

"I'm starting on Peds with Arizona Robbins!" I have no idea who Dr. Robbins is, but I'm so stoked to be on Peds.

"No fair Addie," my dad whined, "Peds is too close to Neonatal and OB/GYN.    Y/n is destined for the Plastics Posse!"

"Hey now Mark, bring it up with Bailey. I had no say in the matter." She winked at me in the rearview mirror. I asked her to start in Peds considering I love kids!

We finally pulled up to SGMW and it was just as beautiful as I remembered especially considering I was here yesterday having lunch with my parents.

I was fine until we parked. That's when butterflies traveled up my throat and my palms got all sweaty.

"Mom, dad, what if I'm not meant to be a surgeon?" Every possible negative thought filled my head freezing me in my spot. I didn't even hear my breathing quicken, but I could feel my chest rising and falling.

"Hey, it's okay. You're having a panic attack. Count with me Y/n."

"One...two...three" We kept counting together until I was able to breathe again. His misty blue eyes always helped me to calm down and focus.

"You are going to make an amazing surgeon Y/n. I believe in you. Besides you're a Sloan and we're strong," Dad spoke as he opened my car door. 

"You're a Montgomery-Sloan go show them why you're the best intern there!" She's right, I am a Montgomery-Sloan.

"Just page us if you need anything, we love you Y/n!" dad yelled to me. And with their final words of encouragement I left the car and began my first day at Seattle Grace Mercy West. That really was such a mouthful of a hospital name but I couldn't be anymore excited!

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