Chapter 4: Dr. Robbins (Part 5)

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It had been just over an hour since I had found out about my dad being in a coma and all I wanted to do was run. I'm not really a runner, but emotionally I wanted to run. I didn't want to hear the ventilator breathing for him or hear Lexie's soft sobs as she watched my dad.

Even after coming out of a nine hour surgery she somehow had the energy to stay awake and watch his vitals. My dad is strong, but there's no way he's going to wake up when everyone's watching over him. He likes to do things his own way because he's stubborn. Really stubborn. But I know if he were to ever find out that I just waited for him to wake up without continuing my residency he'd kill me.

I need to continue working for him.

So I did the only thing that would make him happy. I asked to start working again, well I was waiting to ask anyway. Dr. Bailey was making a phone call so I had to wait until she was done.

"Alright Dr. Montgomery-Sloan, what would you like to speak about?"

"It's about my father Dr. Bailey." Her features immediately saddened. She had worked with my father for decades now and I knew she too was upset. Everyone in the hospital who knew him was. And most people knew him in one way or another.

"Y/n I completely understand you'll need time to grieve."

"Dr. Bailey my father isn't dead and he's not going to die. I'm here to ask to continue working. It's what I came here to do and I don't intend to put my residency on hold." Bailey looked shocked, but all she did was nod.

"I admire your dedication Dr. Montgomery-Sloan. Take today and be with your family. You'll start your second shift with rest of the interns tomorrow morning."

"Thank you Dr. Bailey." Although I hated the thought of watching my dad lie in a bed I knew it was best to be by his side. Besides Sofia will be here soon. My seven year old little sister will have to see her father in a bed and I know it's my job to be there for her.

She deserves a sibling to comfort her.

It was finally time to get out of these scrubs. I walked quietly to the intern locker room and began to change. It didn't really matter who saw anything we were all doctors now.

"No special treatment, yet you already get the day off?" Jo didn't even know the half of it and yet she still chose to be bitter towards me. I hadn't even done anything to her! I barely said two words to the girl.

"Lay off Wilson," I heard Stephanie's voice behind me. I was surprised to hear her stick up for me. It was nice to have at least one friend.

"I'm doing scut and she gets to go home?" Jo was pouting again. For someone so pretty it was so annoying to see her whine for no reason.

"Wilson, Edwards get back to your labs!" Arizona's voice came from around the door. Both Stephanie and Jo left without another word. I was glad to be alone until I realized I wasn't.

I was sitting on the bench with my head in my hands and felt the wood creek beneath me. I could smell vanilla and knew instantly who it was.

"Thank you Dr. Robbins." I finally looked up at her and she was smiling but her eyes looked sad. I felt my chest swell and all I wanted to do was make her happy.

"What's the matter Dr. Robbins?"

"Me?" she sighed "I should be asking you that. I heard about Mark. He's my friend, but he's your dad. How are you holding up?" The concern in her voice made all my emotions flare up and soon I was crying in Arizona's arms. She pulled me close to her and rubbed my back.

"It's okay y/n. He's going to be okay." The harder I cried the closer she held me. It was truly what I needed. I needed someone to hold me and just tell me it was going to be okay. Arizona was the perfect person for that.

Eventually I stopped crying, but Arizona didn't let go. If I'm being honest I didn't want her to either, but of course something had to ruin the moment. Arizona's pager started buzzing startling us both.

"I...I have to go," she stammered. She didn't look so sad anymore. She was halfway to the door when I realized I didn't thank her.

"Dr. Robbins."

"Hmm?" She asked turning around quickly.

"Thank you." Her smile was all I received as a reply, but I didn't mind. It was enough. I knew it was time to go see my dad again and I dreaded every second. Doctors, patients, and family alike were in the halls above me and somehow I now filled two of those categories.

I was a doctor of course, but now I was family of a patient as well. I hated being the family of a patient. It was never fun and always filled with bad news or no news at all especially when I was younger.

That's why I became a doctor. I know it might not always be perfect and complications and deaths happen, but I want to be a doctor who can tell their patients and family that everything was going to be okay. I want to give families the news I never got as a kid, but that's a story for another time. I'm not ready to think about that today especially not when I have to see my own father on a ventilator.

I never thought I'd have to see a family member on a ventilator again.

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