Chapter 8: Sibling Time (Part 10)

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To hell with a sprint. I took off towards my dad's room at a full on run. There was no way I was going to let something happen to him without being there. By the time I got to his room I was completely out of breath!

"Mom what's the matter. What happened? You paged 911!"

"I need you to bring your siblings to daycare. I got paged to the pit there's an incoming trauma with a pregnant woman." Nothing was even wrong with dad?!

"Mom you can't just page me 911 to dad's room like that. I thought something was wrong with him!" She shot me an apologetic look and went to the pit. All four of my siblings were sitting in dad's room. It broke my heart to see them so quiet.

They were normally so happy and jumping around, especially with our dad. He was always making them laugh and smile. He loved being a dad.

"Come on guys it's time to say goodbye to dad for today." Sofia was the first to stand up with Nick and Emma to follow. Luke however decided he didn't want to let go of dad's hand and honestly I couldn't even blame him.

"I wanna stay with daddy." He had little tears pooling in his eyes as I picked him up into my arms.

"I know Lu. But it's time to let daddy rest so he can wake up for us." Luke placed his head in the crook of my neck and sighed. I hated when my siblings were upset. Shane was right when he said that tiny humans didn't deserve bad news. No human deserved bad news. But especially not tiny humans.

"I'm hungry y/n." Nick said as he pulled on my lab coat. For some reason he always loved it and made sure the bottom didn't drag on the floor. There's definitely going to be another doctor in the family with him.

"Me too," Sofia chimed in from in front of me. I led them all into the cafeteria where they ate silently. I couldn't really tell if the silence was because they were hungry or just sad.

"Is Daddy getting better?" Emma looked up at me through her chocolate milk.

"I hope so Emmy." She seemed satisfied with the answer and went back to her chocolate milk.

"Are we staying with you?" I looked at my phone and it had almost been an hour which meant it was time to update Alex again. I'm sure it would be fine if they came with me. They were normally good and especially quiet today.

"You guys can come with me to see a patient. Will you guys be good for me?" They all nodded in unison and took their trash to the garbage can. Emma took Nick and Luke's hands and led them around the hospital. Sofia stayed close to me but when the three youngest started skipping Sofia eagerly joined them.

Emma may have been the youngest but she was the natural born leader of the group.

"Okay my patient is sleeping, you guys have to stay really quiet okay?"

"Okay," they all whispered. They were all just so cute and well behaved. Mia didn't wake up as I checked her incision which was healing nicely. I closed the door to Mia's room and turned to my siblings.

"Alright we have to find Dr. Alex and tell him Mia's doing good after her surgery." The four of us left Mia's room only to find Alex standing at the nurse's station.

"Hey guys, what are you all doing?" Alex wiggled his eyebrows at my siblings making them laugh.

"We are being really quiet so we can stay with y/n." Sofia's whisper was so quiet even I barely heard her. Alex seemed to understand everything.

"That's awesome! I'm sure y/n could use the company." Alex high-fived each of my siblings before getting the rundown on Mia. He got paged quickly and jogged away.

"Bye Dr. Awex!" Emma called to him as he left. He really brought her smile out. I know they're supposed to be in daycare, but I just wanted to spend every moment I could with them.

They deserved to be around some sort of positivity.

"Montgomery-Sloan, who are all these tiny humans?" Vanilla wafted through the air as A-Dr. Robbins made her presence known from behind me. Sure, this was the Peds floor, but couldn't she be in surgery?

She had clearly been avoiding me and now when I'm with my siblings she had to make my heart jump to my throat.

"I'm not tiny, I'm a big boy!" Dr. Robbins and I laughed at my brother.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Of course you're a big boy. I'm Dr. Robbins." She smiled bright down at my brother melting his little heart causing him to blush. I have never related more to my brother in my life.

"These are my siblings. You've met Luke, this is Nick, Emma, and Sofia." As I introduced all my siblings they began yawning and I couldn't help but yawn right along with them.

"Looks like you all could use some sleep. Is it time to go to daycare?" I nodded. We all began to walk together, and Emma reached her hands high up to Dr. Robbins.

"Emma," she was trying to have my boss carry her! I could've done it. Besides I didn't want to bother Dr. Robbins any more than I already had.

"Hey, it's okay." Dr. Robbins lightly tapped my arm as she picked Emma up. Her touch seemed to burn my skin and I wanted to lean into her touch. Dammit! She was getting to me!

The six of us walked in silence to daycare and when we got there Luke and Nick collapsed into a beanbag chair instantly falling asleep.

"Are you picking me up later?" Sofia looked up at me expectantly and I nodded. Aunt Callie was working third shift so I agreed to bring Sofia home.

"Yup and we'll get dinner."

"Emma too?" Emma asked from Dr. Robbins' arms. I didn't want to upset my youngest sister so I said the only thing I knew would make her feel better.

"Not today, but this weekend we'll all have a sleepover at my house."

"Otay." Emma skipped off to where her brothers were sound asleep and nestled herself in between them. Nick and Luke each wrapped an arm around her. Even at four and five they were amazing brothers to Emma.

Dr. Robbins and I walked out of daycare together and just as I was going to speak her pager went off.

"The tiny humans await." I hated that she was getting to me like this. Even my voice sounded gritty when I spoke.

"Y/n..." She tried to reach for my arm, but I just took a step back.

"I understand Dr. Robbins. Let me know if you need labs or post-ops I am an intern." I turned on my heels and walked away. I could feel tears prickling in my eyes as I walked to the nearest on call room.

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