Chapter 17: First Date (Part 14)

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Your POV

I'm not sure what made me agree to meeting Benji's dad, but I just couldn't say no to Arizona. It's already Friday, the best day, and I have so much to look forward to. Arizona and I are finally going on our first official date! She still hadn't told me where we were going but that was besides the point.

I, Y/n Evangeline Montgomery-Sloan am going on a date with Arizona freaking Robbins! She is by far the most amazing person in this hospital! No disrespect to my family, but it's true. Maybe that's just the honeymoon faze talking but it doesn't even matter. I still can't believe I got so lucky to have her in my life. SGMW is really the best place. I'm so glad I didn't go to Hopkins for my residency.

"Dr. Montgomery-Sloan?"

"Yes?" I turned to be faced with David and my stomach immediately twisted. And to think, I was having such a good day too. It's not that he did anything wrong, but he wasn't someone I wanted to see this early into my shift. Neither of us really knew what to say as he awkwardly smiled at me. I wasn't even meant to see him today, at least not without Arizona. She's the one who agreed to see him first, not me.

"Is it alright if we have a chat?" I just nodded, not trusting my own voice and followed him to one of the various sitting lounges around the hospitals that were meant for patient's families. I'm not sure if I was grateful that this one was empty or not.

"I noticed you were less than ecstatic when I arrived yesterday." David laughed as he scratched the back of his neck. He definitely was right about that. I'm not good at hiding my facial expressions. It was something I got from both of my parents.

I'm sure the guy's great, but I'm protective of the people I love and Benji is one of those people.

"Right, about that David, I just care for my patients and Benji is a great baby with a big heart. I'm happy the hospital found you to raise him. He does deserve to have his family in his life." His eyebrows furrowed as a small smile spread across his lips. I didn't think I said anything funny so his laughing really threw me off.

"I'm not mad that you've developed a relationship with my son Dr. Montgomery-Sloan. Quite the opposite really. I wanted to thank you for being there for Ben when I couldn't be and I wanted to know if you'd like to stay in contact of some sort. He really likes you." My mouth gaped as I stared at this father in front of me. I didn't know what to say, at all.

There was no way this total stranger was going to let me stay in his son's life.

"Hey Magic, oh you two are already together." Arizona's soft voice came out in a huff as though she'd been running around the hospital, maybe looking for me?

"Think about it Dr. Montgomery-Sloan. Here's my number and address. Ben and I would love for you to stop by sometime." With that David left me in a numb state.

Arizona's POV

I crossed my arms over my chest. I'd been looking for her everywhere and now she was getting David's number? I really missed an interesting conversation.

"Was he flirting with you?" Men flirting is a mystery to me but seeing as he just gave my girlfriend his number and address, I'd be pretty blind to think it wasn't flirting! What kind of pick-up line is that? I have half a mind to find him and give him a piece of my mind, but Y/n's laugh brought me back to her. Her beautiful, perfect laugh. Wait, did I just call her my girlfriend?

"Are you jealous Dr. Robbins?" My face flushed as I opened my mouth to retaliate but couldn't find the words to articulate my very rational feelings. I couldn't bring myself to look at Magic either, so I just stood with my arms crossed at the entrance of the lounge. Did I look like a child? Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'd budge and give her the satisfaction.

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