what's she like?

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lunch ends, you go to your last few classes and then you hear the last bell 'thank god, if school was any longer I would diee' you though as you grab you bag and leave. you see Julie standing by your car

"starbucks on the way home, you can get a cake pop?" you say knowing it would make her happy

"yes, your the besttt" Julie said getting into the car as you giggle "so what you said about 'proving I should be in the program' what did you mean?"

"well jules you have serious a talent and once they hear you play again they'll be begging you to come back" 

"I just don't I could do it" 

"its okay, if you don't want to you don't have to it was just a suggestion"

you pull up to starbucks and order 2 strawberry cake pops 1 hot chocolate for Julie and an iced vanilla frappe for yourself and continue driving home

"can you help me with my calculus homework, we do it in my room" Julie asked

"yeah sure, but i'll be studying at the same time" I agreed 

"that's okay, I just need help on a few bits" 

"no problems, enjoy the cake pop?" 

"yes and the hot chocolates bomb, thank you for being a great sister"

"thank you for being my sister, feel free to ask me for anything like advice or help or even just to vent I know how it feels to keep your emotions locked up and it's not nice"

she smiles and continues sipping on her hot chocolate and popping to the music in the car as you smile at her.. a few minutes you arrive home and go up to Julie's room to see three ghosts standing around, reggie sprawled across the bed, luke lowkey at stuff on the shelfs and alex looking a the photo on her dresser..

"what are you guys doing in my room?!" Julie asked scaring all of them 

they all try and think of an explanation while starring at us 

"we were looking for the kitchen" luke came up with as reggie pointed at him agreeing

"this.. this can't happen, it's creepy. get off my bed please"

"hey Julie.. what's in the box?" luke asks

"that's off limits."

"oh okay.. GiRl StUfF.." he said chuckling

"oh like butterflies and glitter" reggie added clueless as to what luke meant 

"oh, come on.. im sorry about them" alex said as I hide my laughter 

"it's none of your business.. and yes, there might be some glitter" Julie replied causing reggie to smile 

out of the corner of my eye I see alex pick a photo up 

"hey! I actually picked something up.. I dropped it" his mood changed instantly when he dropped it 

"is that your mom?" luke was easily intrigued by things  

"yes"  I said finally speaking

"and it's my favourite picture of us so if you break it, i'll break you" Julie snapped

"ok well, sorry because we're kind of unbreakable at this point" said alex

"I don't get it.." I say confused

"what?" reggie asked.. he sounded worried, his dorky caring self was too cute, earth to y/n he's a ghost, airrr

"you guys can mess up her bed, pick up your instruments but you can't pick up other stuff?"

The One with the Ghost Boy (reggie peters x reader)Where stories live. Discover now