Sunset Swerve

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"oh my gosh! how did you do that?" julie questions looking from the cross to the boy in the pink hoodie..

"clearly you're not understanding.." he looks back to the other to boys "she doesn't get it.." and then back to us "ok look, we're ghosts, all right? we're just three ghosts and we're really happy to be home, so thank you for the flowers they really brighten up the room." 

"we're in a band called Sunset Curve" the scruffy haired one says "tell your friends" the one with the leather jacket pops in with a cute smile.. i find myself starring at him again, wait- did i just say cute? 

"last night was supposed to be a really big night for us, it was gonna change our lives." the scruffy one says "im pretty sure it did" whispers the blonde boys. 

"this is freaking me out" i sigh grapping my phone from the pocket of my grey joggers "what is that? what are you doing?" one of the boys say "its my phone" i said as searching up their band "no! stop talking to them, they aren't real" julie says to me "right, there's no such thing as cute ghosts" i reply through my teeth, forcing a smile. "Oh, think we're cute?" says the one in the leather jacket while smirking i look up at him and feel my fce start to heat and look back to my phone 

"who ya calling" asks the one in the pink hoodie, leaning over to see my phone "Im googling Sunset Swerve" i send as a bitter reply 

"Sunset Curve!" all of them raise their voices a little while correcting me, some of them making hand gestures "Whoa.. there is a sunset curve" a say showing julie my phone "you did die.. but not last night" she says uneasily 

"twenty-five years ago?" we say at the same time in confusion 

"what? no. no, no, no, no. th.. th.. that's impossible. After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird, dark room where alex cried" the guy in the leather jacket said pointig to the blonde one (who im guessing is named alex) "wellll.. i don't think.. i think we were all pretty upset, okay" alex mutters in a high-pitch "but that was just for like an hour, we just showed up here" say the scruffy one in a blue layerd jacket.

"look, im just telling you what my my phone says" i say as showing them my phone "see? you died in 1995 when you were 17, it's now 2020." i finished "so this is the future?" the dark brown haired one says as i giggle at his comment julie looks at me and roles her eyes "wait. so.. so, it has been 25 years.." alex nervousily sad raising his arms "i have been crying for 25years? how is that possible?!" he shouts causing my sister and i to jump a little "well, you're a very emotional person.." "i am not!" says two of the boys 

"thought you were afraid to come out here." carlos exclaims while walking into mom's studio "You talking to your ghost friend? how does he look? is he hideous?"he finished as crossing his arms "he can see you" alex says pointing to the leather jacket, wearing ghost "no he can't" i reply to his comment. carlos gives me a concerning look "what?" 

"uh.. what do you want?" julie asks him distracting him from my reply "normal sisters, for starters,  stop being weirdos and come eat." he struts out the studio "he couldn't see you.." i wonder "yeah. i mean that's.. usually how ghosts work." me and julie sigh "look, im very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. you have to leave." julie says while leaving "but wait, we.. we didn't get your names" the one in a blue layered jacket says "its julie.." "and i'm Y/N" 

"cool" he chuckles "i-im Luke, by.. by the way, and this is.." he points to the other two

"Reggie. im reggie, hey" he smiles at me and a blush a bit while smiling back

"Alex. how's it going?" already knew his name.. he seems to be anxious a lot

"ba-da" luke makes that sound softly while doing jazz hands infront of them all 

julies starts to walk off, i give them an apologetic smile and follow her "they seem nice" i hear reggie cheerfully say 

"um.. did you miss the part where julie kicked us out or.." alex replies

i don't feel that hungry so i go to the kitchen just to grab something small as Dad, Carlos and Julie are at the table eating left over spaghetti.

"hello! hello!" we hear from a distance.. 'aunt tia!' i hope over the counter, sit down im usual seat at the dinner table, put a small bit of pasta on my plate, grap the spare table mat we put out for mom and through it under the table while Dad through the knife and fork that was there over to the side, Julie grapped the plate and put it under the pasta bowl that Carlos was lifting up and then we acted casual like it was a normal dinner. 

"huh.. spaghetti, again?" tia says walking into the kitchen

"yeah" Dad giggles shoving pasta in his mouth

"that's too bad, i brought you my pasteles and arroz con pollo" tia then makes her way to the fridge

"mmm" we all hum as a reply 

"you can have it tomorrow, i can't let you have leftovers everynight. my sister would kill me, may she rest in peace." she says putting her food in the fridge and walking over 

the rest are having a convo i look over to the door and see the three ghost boys walk through the door.. literally when i say 'through' i mean the doors closed.. i choke on the piece of pasta i tried to swallow down earning me strange looks.. i kick julie under the table making her look to the frontdoor 

"-gotta rip that Band-Aid off and get the pain over with" i hear tia say before julie screams as she get startled 

"that's me.. ripping off the Band-Aid!" julie covers and chuckles awkardly 

"theres my brave girllll" tia graps her by the chin and shakes her head softly 

"hey Y/N, you got a bit of sauce there" reggie tells me while pointing to his chin, my face lights up red grapping a napkin to wipe my chin

"you shouldn't be here" julie told luke 

"oh, im just here to help, mija" tia says leaning on her chair 

"ahh.. i think that's our cue to leave" alex whispers "we should've called first" reggie also whispers before the guys poof out

"she means you should be at pilates" i cover for julies with a soft smile, then tia says something about julie getting out of the music program which dad didn't know about so everything went awkard for a while.. 

"bueno, i'm off to pilates" aunt tia said then said goodbye and left leaving tention between Dad and Julie

1181 words <3

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