"dibs on the shower!"

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"bueno, i'm off to pilates" aunt tia said then said goodbye and left leaving tention between Dad and Julie...

"so Julie, wanna hear how i slide into home and was almost safe?" carlos said trying to get julie out of the conversation julie was going to face with dad about the music program

"you're a good brother. that's not gonna work" dad snapped his fingers and pointed behind him causing me and my little brother to leave them alone to talk

i went upstairs to my room.. just as i got to the door of my room there was the sound of rock music coming from mom's studio so i rushed downstairs nearly tripping over my own feet, as i reach the end of the staircase me and julie gave eachother a look panic.

"what's that?" carlos said as he came running in, why did my little brother have to be so nosey all the time 

"i must've left the stereo in the garage" Julie quickly covered as letting out a nervous chuckle 

"we'll go get" i rushed walking outside 

we reached our mom's studio and me being calm about the situation i just walked in, julie on the other hand had stormed into the studio, she looked so funny with her big slippers on. i really enjoyed what they were playing, i have to admit they got talent 

"guys! guysss, stop! enough! stop!" Julie shouted at them 

"cut it out!" i finally spoke up and with that they started to finish

"the whole neighbourhood could hear. i thought i told you to leave." Julie told them off now that she had their attention

"wait.. people can hear us play?" luke said looking to his bandmates with a confused look on his face

"yes" we said in unison like we always do "and so did my dad and my brother!" julie added yeling

"w-w-wait. wait.. so only you guys can see us, but everyone can hear us?" alex said more directing the question to me seeing i was the calmer molina at this time "i mean what kind of ghosts are we?" he added in an excited tone

"who cares, man? people can hear us play!" luke said before i could even answer alex's first question

"we might be dead, but our music isn't" reggie said smirking following with a wink aimed at me, i can like this guy.. i mean he's not even a guy he's a ghost! he's air! at that moment dad walked in.

"dad!" i said in an excited tone to warn Julie he's here so that she would stop staring at the band 

"hey, just making sure you are both okay" he said.. i think he just wanted to see what its like in here not even he had been in the studio lately 

"yeah, we're fine. i just had to turn off the CD player" i replied with a forced smile on my face 

"wait, is this the junk that was in the loft?" dad pointed at the bandmates stuff and earned a very angry "junk!?" from luke who was clearly offended 

dad walked round to the drumkit and started banging on the drums with his fingers.. at this point the boys were all furious with him "some of this stuff's in pretty good shape" he added after finishing touching the drums "hey, maybe we can make a couple bucks"

"what? yo, stop touching my drums. tell him to stop touching my drums!" alex yelled pointing, luke joining on the pointing too 

"maybe you should leave them alone.. they may look in shape but they could be damaged" i told dad causing him to back away from the drums and being scarce to go near the guitars

"i liked that song you had on" now just talking to me seeing as Julie was just standing there smiling awkwardly

"sweet! we're Sunset Curve" "tell your friends" luke and reggie say as i tried to hold in my laughter from reggies comment 

"its just an old CD we found" me and Julie said together 

"well, still, it's nice that you're listening to music again" dad said to Julie with a wide smile "out here you can play whatever you want, whenever you want" 

"oh! that's nice" reggie thinking dads talking to him 

"stay out of this" Julie said aiming to reggie but dad heard as well 

"i-i'm sorry, honey. i didin't.. "

"oh no. no. no. no. not you, i mean.. uh.. er" Julie stuttered trying to find a sentence 

"you know, give us a minute" i said saving the day once again 

"hey. hey. hey. hey. Julie we'll figure out this music program thing" 

"thanks dad" Julie said with a weak smile sighing 

"he likes our song" luke said with a grin 

"oh, yeah. he doesn't count.. he's a dad" alex replied 

"why can't you guys just be normal ghosts? hang out at an old mansion. i hear Pasadena's nice" julie grunts and storms out 

"i think she's warming up to us" alex added causing me to giggle 

"yeah, I've always wanted to go to Pasadena" reggie smiles making me laugh 

"i better go" i say awkwardly smiling and walking out the door 

as im walking i see Julie and luke talking together, i stand back and listen from a distance.. guess i know where my brother get it from. as they listen i get scared by two ghost popping up behind me, alex & reggie, "don't do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack" i whispered popping my head back round the corner to see whats going on "sorry" they both said doing the same thing as me.. i hear mom get brought into their conversation, my face instantly saddens, next thing are the boys over there so i walk over seeing as they had left me alone. i never liked talking about mom after she died so i just kind of stood there looking at the ground, zoning out.

I start to zone back in when i hear reggie ask if we played anything, more specifically the piano, julie says no seeing as music isn't in here life anymore.

"yeah, i play bass and acoustic" i say seeing as these guys were pretty cool and i didn't really want to lie to them seeing as they've been died for 25years. 

"cool, well your mom's an amazing songwriter" luke added 

"she was.. wait, how would you know" Julie questioned 

"there's a song on the piano, if it's hers.. your mom was really talented" luke said pausing mid-sentence

as Julie is about to walk off i remember when she kicked them out and felt bad seeing as they were good guys

"i guess.. if you need a place to stay, you can stay in there" i pointed to mom's studio "there's a bathroom in the back and a couch that turns into a bed if you still use any of that stuff" 

"dibs on the shower!" reggie yelled "i just really like showers and sometimes the occasional bath" 

"this.. this is just too weird" Julie said walking away from reggies comment along with me following after i laughed at him quietly

1178 words <3

a/n: i know the last 3 parts having been to interesting but this was only them meeting so now is where the fun stuff happens!! hope uour enjoying so far x 

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