this is nice

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an hour had gone by in the studio and reggie had stopped playing with luke and came over to me and sat down beside me, starring at my handwriting.

"what ya working on?" he said turning to look at me 

"my physics essay and homework" i replied 

"sounds boring, when are you gonna be finished?" 

"ummm i dont know, why.. " 

"well i was wondering if you wanted to do something together"

"oh, yeah sounds fun. i'm nearly finished with this anyway"

"really?! i mean, yeah cool" he says trying not to sound really excited as you let out giggle. About 30mins later i had finally completed my work and was ready to go out with reggie

"hey loser, i'm done" i say to him as you put your stuff away into your bag 

"okay, well what do you want to do?" he replies as he walks over to me 

"we can go for a drive, find somewhere to sit and talk i guess.. " 

"yeah sounds good" he replied as we left to go to my car. we drove for about ten minutes listening to music and singing some of the songs then stopped at the beach. we walked for a while then found a spot behind some rocks where no one could us.. well me at least, so i wouldn't look nuts talking to myself. it was a bit awkward at first because we didn't really know what to talk about but we soon started talking about things we liked and stuff like that, it was nice to have someone to just sit with and talk about things i don't really talk about to others. i mean don't get me wrong, i've always had my friends and family but they know most things about me so when i was with reggie it was nice to tell him funny stories, what music i liked, my hobbies and then get to listen to things he'd done with the rest of the band, his hobbies before he died, the music he would jam out to in his room so yeah it was nice.. and then it got to the subject of families.. he had been through things and i never would've guessed it, like his parents would always argue and shout at each other. i felt closer to him now that we had got to know each other more, like he was someone i could really trust. 

"this is nice" i say as i stare at the ocean.

"yeah, have you done this with anyone before?" he replies as he looks at me with a soft smile 

"no, i don't go out with friends a lot anymore" 

"really.. why not" 

"ever-  ever since mom died i grew distant with people i knew, i started talking to a few of them again though"

"oh, you must miss her she seemed like a nice person" 

"mhm" it went silent for a while, but it wasn't an awkward.. it was like comfortable silence. i looked at my phone to see the time, we had been out for around a two hours, a little less maybe "we should probably get back" i said breaking the quietness

"yeah sure" he replied as we got up to walk to my car and go home

(time skip to the Molina Household)

we were in back at the studio, i was on the couch watching luke and reg practise something they had been working on when julie walked in to focused on the fact the guys were playing to notice me in the corner 

"guys. you aren't supposed to be out here playing alone" she's says looking at them 

"but we're not alone 'cause we always have each other.. and y/n's in here" reggie points to me sitting on the couch "see"  julie sighs and walks over unplugging their amps 

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