it's a sign

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"Okay, I'm so sorry but just please stay calm about it ok?" I beg she doesn't get mad, or even worse sad..
"I promise" Y/n gives me a soft, reassuring smile
"Ok so remember the night of the school dance and we was late" She nods her head "So we went to this club thing because someone could give us answers but as we were leaving he put this stamp on us and after that we started getting these weird jolt thingy that are like really painful and feel like we are dying all over again" Y/n face starts to drop, worry floods over her
"Wha... what is it? Have they stopped?" She questions moving closer to me
"No, they've uh... they've gotten worse actually, and we spoke to Willie, Alex's friend, last night and he said that if we don't go play at Caleb's clubs we could.. disappear" I itch the back of my neck out of nerves, I should've listen to Luke she's already lost enough..
"Disappear? Reggie, I... I can't lose you. Even if it means you go play at that club and i'll find some way to find you" Y/n's eyes fill with tears
"Y/n no, i'm not leaving you for some club. There's another thing to stop it but it's literally impossible" I can't do this to her, why did I tell her
"Well what is it? Maybe me and Julie can help" Y/n tries to smile but can barely get rid of the frown on her face
"You can't tell Julie, I shouldn't even be telling you. So ghosts have this thing called unfinished business and if we complete it then we'll be set free" I see a look of hope in her eyes but i'm about to destroy.. "But our unfinished business is to play at the Orpheum" I see the hope in her eyes disappear
"What.. no no we can do this we have too. We will get that gig" Y/n smiles and I feel reassured.. yes I know it's not going to happen but she makes it sound like it will happen, she give me hope
"Your like an angel Y/n, you know that right?" I smile then feel a rushing pain, no not the jolts. I get sent back by a wave of pain and Y/n jumps up and rushes over to me
"Oh my god, what was that?!" Y/n tries to help me but remembers she can't touch me
"That was a jolt" I groan and slowly get back up on the chair "Ah it's getting worse, look i need to check on the guys but i'll see you at home okay?" I stand up once i've gained balance
"Oh god, okay. Be careful" Y/n smiles softly and watches me poof away

———Molina Household———
(Y/n POV)
Today has been crazy, I sit on my bed thinking about what Reg told me.. it's breaking my heart honestly. I hear the front door slam shut and someone stomp up the stairs, I slowly open my door to see Julie rushing into her room and Dad staring up the stairs from the bottom of the staircase making a confused face. I whisper to him "I've got this" and slowly walk over to Julies room
"Knock, knock... Jules?" I peer into her room and see her sitting on her bed
"I'm sorry for being loud" Julie walks into her bathroom to get changed "Luke just told me  something really crazy and it kinda hurt" hm maybe she know about the jolts
"What was it?" I ask plopping down on her bed
"Well I was with Luke and he got this weird orb, jolty thing and he stumbled back" She knows..
"And he has unfinished business blah blah blah" I sit as she opens the bathroom door confused
"What.. how do you know?!" Julie walks out and sits in front of me
"Reggie told me the whole earlier" I frown at the thought of him in pain
"Why does everyone we know just vanish. I can't lose them too, especially Luke" Julie sighs and grabs her phone to text Flynn
"I don't know, but it's not great" I get where Julie is coming from and why she's angry, well more upset "I don't wanna lose Reg... we should help them right?"
"How?! If we help them cross over we never see them again" She sighs and grabs her drawing stuff
"We don't know what happens when they cross over and they won't be in pain anymore at least" I try and reassure her. We then hear a knock at her door it's Flynn!
"Hey, I got your text" She walks in with a small smile
"Don't come to close, anyone I seem to care about disappears" Julie throws her pen down
"You can't get rid of me. I'm like the crazy glue of  best friends" Flynn smiles making everything feel slightly better
"I just don't get it, right when my life starts to get good. Great friends, great band, great guy then BAM!" Julie holds up a drawing she done on an explosion
"I seriously don't know why all of this is happening to you, but that going to be great album cover one day" Flynn says turning around to moms trunk off stuff and starts to sort some of it out
"You don't have to do that" I say feeling bad about leaving Flynn to be our 'maid'
"I know, but I get to check out all your moms cool stuff" Flynn looks through then pulls out a white band-tee with the words.. woah- it says Sunset Curve on it?! "Did you know this was in here?"
"What the heck" Me and Julie say in unison
"How do you think she got it?" Flynn asks double checking the words
"I... I don't know but the guys said they didn't know our Mom?" I turn to Julie then back to Flynn "Why would they lie?"
"Maybe they didn't. Maybe she knew them, she could be a fan!" Flynn stands up shocked at the thought
"I mean Sunset Curve was playing the Hollywood club scene around then" Julie looks at us but I know she doesn't think it's true
"Oh my gosh, what if you were right. What if the guys are connected to your mom, you know their music or something" Flynn grins thinking harder and harder
"Because she bought their T-Shirt?" Julies doesn't catch on quite just yet
"Think about it they were the ones who made you wanna play music again" Flynn's grin grows even bigger
"Maybe she knew they could help us" I say sitting up smiling with Flynn, she has a point
"So you both mean to tell me that my mom was somewhere out there planning all of this. If she wanted me to play again why would she just tell me herself" Julie says making me think for a second
"Maybe she can't, maybe she has to do it another way. You know, through sighs" Flynn holds up the t-shirt "You been through these clothes how many times and haven't found this t-shirt... why now?" Flynn chuckles knowing she's onto something
"It's another sign! I'm just saying it's not over Jules" I stand next to Flynn and Julie rolls her eyes
"Really? Signs?" Julie.. how are you not believing this with the amount of crazy other stuff?!
"Your in a ghost bad? It's a crazy world" Flynn steals from my mind.. maybe she can read minds "Look, you're gonna lose them no matter what and it's sucks. But they helped bring you back to life, now it's your turn to help them"
"They have to cross over Jules... we need to let them go. I don't want to as much as you do but we can't leave them in pain" Julie nods at us, we make our way to the studio as Flynn heads home.

We walk in to see the boys depressed, Luke laying on the floor staring at the ceiling, Alex sprawled over the couch balancing drumsticks on his head an Reg sitting on a chair playing his bass terribly
"Snap out of it!" We shout making them all wake up and Alex falls off the couch
"Jeez, I think you broke Alex" Reggie's eyes where wide open in shock
"Do you guys want to cross over or what?" Julie says and the guys just blankly stare at us.. okay here we go, it's come to this now
"Get it together!" I clap my hand and shout at them hoping for some form of hope in them... nope, zero hope
"They're never gonna let us play the Orpheum"Luke's voice is raspy like he's been sleeping forever
"We're nobody" Alex shrugs
"We're less than nobody, we have no bodies" Reggie shrugs as well while moving his bass
"Someone once told me that you don't ask for permission. You book gigs by doing" Julie smiles at Luke
"That was me" Reggie smirks slightly
"No, it wasn't" Luke and Julie say looking at him confused
"Yes, it was" Reg mumbles looking away, he's so dumb.. i'm gonna miss him
"This isn't over. We were brought together for a reason" Jules looks at me
"To help each other" I smile
"Yeah but like Luke said, people don't just play the Orpheum because they want to" Alex rolls his head
"People don't... but ghost do" I say making them look at each other making and idea

1593 words :3

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