happy birthday

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Me and Julie were sitting on the couch, studying, when Reggie and Alex poofed in and starred at us for a few mins while we payed no attention to them. 

"Hey, you, uh... you got a second?" Alex stuttered trying to get our attention but we don't bother and move little bit not lookingup 

"Oh my gosh! They can't see us anymore!" Reggie says while having no clue what we are doing "Oh right.. yep" 

This was more of a Julie situation now because of the argument with Luke so I just kind of sat there and listened 

"Julie, listen-" Alex gets cut off by Julie 

"I've already told you that I'm done with the band" She says butting in 

"Yeah we know, alright? But before you decide that forever, we just... we wanted you to know that Luke isn't as selfish as you think he is" Alex is really good with these situation I don't get how he does it

"Yeah, you've got him all wrong" Reg looks down then at me.. I can't keep ignoring him I feel so bad 

"You remember that song 'Emily'?" Alex says making me and Julie look at him "Can we at least show you who that's actually about?" 

Luke's Parents House

There we were hiding behind the bushes of Luke's old home looking into the house and seeing his parents inside at the dinning table 

"So, Emily's his mom?" Julie questions while peeking out from the side of the bush

"Yeah, Luke comes here a lot" Alex looks at us then back to the house 

"He thinks we don't know, but... we've been following him." Reg says as I squint my eyes to see clearer and see Luke sitting on the kitchen counting crying with his face in his hand and knees up to his chest.. God this is horrible I feel so bad "All he does is just hang out like this and watch them, they never really do anything though" 

"They're having cake.. that's something" I softly smile trying to make good out of this 

"It's a... It's a birthday cake, for Luke" Reg looks at me clearly hurt

"I never knew Luke was hurting this much" Julie's heart sunk at the sight of him crying there 

"It's even worse because when he died, he... left on bad terms. You know, his parents didn't want their 17 year old in a rock band so... he just left" We all watch Luke as he slowly gets off the counter "He never got the chance to make up with them" He goes over the the table and blows out the candle on the cake as his parents look confused and relight the flame 

"That's why Luke was so angry. If Trevor had given Luke credit for writing all the songs, then... his parents would've known his dream was worth chasing" Reg really cares about him

"They would've been so proud" Julie says while we watching them all blow out the candle crying, a tear falls down my eye as we stand there watching

"We know how bad it hurts whenever someone that should've had your back.. completely lets you down" Alex turns to us "We never meant to make you guys feel that way" 

"Y/n, Julie we love our band.. and Luke does too. Please gives us another chance" Reg says looking at us, his face red from where he was crying.. We can't say no now right?

Molina House - Studio

We get back and start practising a new song then Luke poofs in 

"Whoa guys?" Luke questions getting up from the seat he was in 

"Grab your guitar. We got work to do" Julie says making him chuckle and grab his guitar then walks back over to her

"What made you come back?" He stands in front of her all smiley.. eeeee look at them all happy, okay calm down

"I realized how important music is to all of us, and we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too" Julie said directly to him probably forgetting we are just here.

"Thanks.. all right, boss. Where we at?" Luke makes us chuckle getting ready to play 

"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday" She smiles sitting down as he back up confused "Let's go from the pre-chorus" We all great ready then Luke looks over at me 

"YES! We know have a rhythmic guitarist again?!" He says making us laugh as Alex shouts '1,2,3,4' and we all start practising 'Finally Free' which our new song Luke and Julie wrote 

Time skip - Molina House - Evening time 

Me and Julie walk into Carlos taking photos of everything

"Oh.. What are you doing?" I smiling but slightly confused 

"Looking for those orb things" Oh great here we go "I'm telling you this place is haunted" and there we are, Carlos what will we ever do with you.. 

"Really now? Should we be scared?" I laugh and cross my arms 

"Yes, really. Every time I open my laptop, it's on some.. rock music site and that ain't me. You know I'm all about the rap" He says as Julie and I chuckle 

"Reggie" we whisper at the same time 

"I'm just tryna protect you" He shrugs as we walk towards the living room "Oh, I'd be careful in there. Dad has look on his face like when Google Maps tells him to turn on the wrong street" 

We look at him and keep walking but carefully because right now, it doesn't sound as if he's in a good mood. As we are walking he stops right in front of Julie.. oh god, Julie's in trouble. He shots me that look to tell me to go upstairs so I walk up but then hear the front door close and hear Tia, greattt. I carry on walking to my room and settle down on my bed when Julie knocks

"Yeah?" I answer and she opens the door

"I can't go to the the gig tonight" She says walking to her room with me following

"WHAT, YOUR KIDDING RIGHT?" We sit down on her bed as she tells me what happened with Dad and Tia 

1021 words ;]

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