Chapter 13 - Karaoke Night

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Snape was in a foul mood one Potions lesson. He was taking away points left right and centre. He was also insulting people.

So I told the Gryffindors to say one thing every time he insulted them.

"You are an insufferable know it all, Miss Granger."

"I know you are, but what am I?"

"You are simply too lazy to do Potions, Finnigan."

"I know you are, but what am I?"

"You are a simple dunderhead, Weasley."

"I know you are, but what am I?"

"Disgraceful, Miss Patil."

"I know you are, but what am I?"

"Five points from Gryffindor for the next insolent copycat to say that."

He glared at us all. All the Gryffindors were determinedly avoiding each other's gazes.

"I know you are, but what am I?" I grinned.

"Five points, Miss Potter."

I laughed in his face, tilting my chair back on two legs. His face twisted in anger.

"You are an insolent troublemaker, Miss Potter." He snapped.

"Thank you." I said.

The entire class giggled; the Slytherins tried to stifle their giggles.

"Five points from Gryffindor, Weasley." He sneered as he overheard Ron sass Crabbe.

"Professor, is your problem that you need to get laid?" I asked. I couldn't help it. I was feeling in a sassy mood and I was kinda angry from him taking points away from my House. Blame the nationalism and patriotism.

The entire class fell silent, Gryffindors, Draco, and Shannon horrified, Slytherins triumphant.

"Detention, Miss Potter."

"Fine by me, I don't care!" I sniggered.

Snape glared at me. He returned to his lecture on some potion or other.

"I'm smarter than you." Floppy childishly hissed to me to start an argument. I decided to play along to piss off Snape. Also, because I'm immature.

"NO, I'M smarter than YOU." I replied.

"No, I'm smarter than you!"

"I'm clearly the smart one here."

"No, I am!"

"I am!"

"I AM!"

"I AM!"

"ENOUGH!" Snape bellowed, glared at us, then went back to explaining something.

"Silencio!" I whispered, pointing my wand at Snape. He immediately fell silent, his mouth still moving but nothing coming out.

The entire class burst out laughing.


I was doing some deep thinking one night when my roommates were asleep and I had the diary out. What if the diary was doing this? All these blank periods ...

'Daisy ... your powers.' Tom said.

'Yeah, what about them?'

A few moments passed.

'Show me.'

That's it. He's too damn creepy.

I got up and threw on the Invisibility Cloak. I went down to the common room and out of the portrait hole. I made my way down to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and stopped in a cubicle. I looked down at the diary.

Can I do this? Can I let go of the one friend who truly understands?

Something dark started to creep across my mind. But I fought it back.

I dropped the diary in the toilet, flushed it, and walked away.


It was Valentine's day. Lockhart had set up this ridiculous thing where you can send a singing telegram to someone via grumpy singing mini person.

I sent some to random people, and even some teachers, and the Insurgents and I hid around corners, sniggering as the victim became extremely embarrassed.

Harry got one (from Ginny, I expect) and he dropped something. The ... the diary?!

Later that night, I sneaked into his dorm and went through his things. I found the diary and hid it back in my room. I was not letting Harry get hurt because of this thing.


It was karaoke night. I was singing several songs with different people.

First, I was singing 'Roar' with Harry.

Then I was singing 'Ugly Heart' with Hermione, Parvati, and Lavender.

Then 'Wings' with Shannon, Amy, and Suzanne.

Then 'Troublemaker' with the Insurgents.

Then 'Better Than Revenge' by myself. I was dedicating it to Blaise.

"First up, we have the Potter twins, singing 'Roar' by Katy Perry." Dumbledore announced. Harry and I grinned, stepping up to the stage set up in the Great Hall as the Hall erupted with cheers.

We took the microphones and began to sing. When we finished, the entire Hall erupted with applause.

Several other people went, then it was us Gryffindor girls.

We sang 'Ugly Heart' and the Hall cheered extremely loudly again.

Then I sang 'Wings' with Amy, Shannon, and Suzanne, and we brought the house down.

Then it was us. The Insurgents. We all grinned at each other as the girls all down below swooned. Of course. It WAS the Weasley twins and Terry Boot.

Oh yes. I forgot to say, Terry has been dating. He has had, like, seven girlfriends this year. He's starting to become a 'player'. Or maybe just a fuckboy. But he never seems to stop staring at me in a dreamy way. I don't blame him. I find myself rather attractive too.

But yeah, he's the school hottie this year. (A/N Of course, his actor is Thomas Sangster, DUH (sorry, I have a bit of an obsession with him at the moment))

We sang 'Troublemaker' by Olly Murs, and we were pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. At the end, you could hardly hear the applause over the screams of the girls, and a few guys over me, which I flipped my hair at (or it might just have been guys who swung THAT way).

Then, last, it was me singing 'Better Than Revenge' in honour of Blaise Zabini.

I walked up on stage and grabbed the microphone. "This song is in honour of a certain Blaise Zabini. Hope you enjoy, my friend." I winked at Blaise in the crowd, who looked confused.

I began to sing, and throughout the song, Blaise gradually looked angry, then, at the end, a devious look appeared on his face. I tried to catch his eye to read his mind, but he was looking away, deep in thought. I saw Draco though, and he was in awe.

I finished, and the entire Hall erupted in applause. Oh look at that, looks like I am more popular than I thought, after all.

Blaise sneaked off in the direction of Gryffindor Tower when we were all just hanging around the school after the Karaoke Night.

Now I don't want to go up there. Something tells me Blaise is going to get revenge.

Revenge War it is!

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