Chapter 14 - Petrified Best Friend

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When I got up to my dorm that night, I went to take out my diary - my ACTUAL one - and discovered that it was not there. None of my roommates could have taken it, since they left when I did and they came up here with me. So it must have been ...

"ZABINI!" I fumed.

How he found out the password to the Tower was too hard to work out. But maybe he persuaded the Fat Lady - he can be very charming - or very threatening.

"What's wrong, Daisy?" The twins chorused.

"Blaise Zabini stole my Godric damn diary!" I hissed.

"Let's go to bed now, then declare war on him in the morning, when we're not tired." Lee said wisely.

"'Kay." I said, and we all simultaneously climbed into bed.

In the morning, as I staggered dizzily down to the Great Hall with Fred, George, Lee, and Terry (who we'd met on the way down), I noticed something was wrong, very wrong. Hermione and the Gryffindor second year's were glaring across the Hall at a large bunch of students, whispering amongst themselves. Ron and Neville were holding Harry back from them; he was putting up a great fight. He looked very pissed.

Draco was angrily talking with Zabini, who appeared not to listening. He, Pratinson, and Floppy were waving about pages with writing on them. Very familiar writing ...

The Insurgent's and Lee noticed this at the same time I did.

"Your diary!" They all gasped.

Looks like Zabini stole my diary and reproduced copies of it magically to hand out. That little shit.

Harry noticed the twins and started to struggle towards them.

"I don't know who to go for, the shithead who's handing out my sister's diary, or the fuckfaces who sold pictures of my sister in her underwear!"

"Not Red and Bushy, Harry," the twins looked relieved, "I'll deal with them later." They looked scared. "For now, help me destroy Zabini."

Eventually, I got my diary back and destroyed all the replicas of it. We also waged a Revenge War on Blaise Zabini. It's where you keep getting revenge on someone and they get revenge on you until someone surrenders.



The Howler could be heard from over at the Gryffindor table. Us Insurgent's sniggered as Zabini looked panicked and replicated the Howler. I love chain letters, we sent them to each other in junior school all the time.

Every morning after that, people kept getting Howler's. It spiralled completely out of control.

That night, I sneaked down to the kitchens with the Invisibility Cloak on. I got some chocolate from the house elves. I sneaked back up, munching happily on it. The twins were asleep when I entered the dorm again. I emptied their drawers of their clothes and personal possessions. Lee, who wasn't asleep, grinned and gave me the thumbs up as I replaced them with turnips. I hid the clothes and things in the second year boy's toilets.

Revenge is sweet!


When the day of the Quidditch match came, I dandered down to the Great Hall with Harry and the twins. When we finished breakfast, we went out of the Great Hall, I heard that laugh again and my mind went blank.

The Quidditch pitch. Professor McGonagall came sprinting on with a megaphone and shouted out that the match was cancelled.

"Are you alright, Miss Potter?!" She gasped when she saw me.

"Yeah, why, Professor?" I whispered, putting a hand to my head and swaying on my feet a bit. I felt ... weird.

"You just look ... very pale and your eyes ... should we get you up to Poppy, my dear?" Minnie looked scared.

Harry and Ron came sprinting on to the pitch.

"Yes, you two had better come too."

She led us up to the hospital wing. I looked in the mirror hanging on a wall. I did look pale, and my eyes ... the pupils were dilated. A lot. There was only a small green rim around the black circle of my pupils. I looked ... haunted.

There was Penelope Clearwater, the snobby Prefect that Terry hates, lying Petrified on a bed. And ... and ...


"Mynee!" I cried out, stumbling to her bed. I collapsed into the chair beside it, sobbing. Hermione was ... Petrified?

No ... she can't be! She CAN'T!

For days, I wasn't the same. Every morning I would go to the hospital wing and stay there until night fell. I didn't even prank. The Insurgent's, Lee, Harry, the girl's, and Draco came to comfort me, but I didn't feel the slightest bit better.

One day Harry and Ron came to tell me that they had sneaked down to Hagrid's hut and witnessed him and Dumbledore being sent off away from Hogwarts. Hagrid had hinted to them to follow the spiders. With Dumbledore gone, there'll be an attack a day now ...

Daisy Potter and the Heir of Slytherin (Book 2, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now