Chapter 15 - The Chamber of Secrets

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"Oh, c'mon Daisy!" Fred exclaimed. "You need cheering up!"

"I don't want to be cheered up." I sighed, tears rising in my eyes as I looked down at Hermione again.

"Daisy, you NEED to be cheered up." George said.

"Why?" I whispered, looking anywhere but at them. "What's the point of it all?"

"What's the matter with you? I thought you would be strong and everything about this." Lee said.

I couldn't answer that. I felt so guilty. I ... I probably did do this to all the Muggleborns in those blank periods. I don't know how, but ...

Tears started to slip down my cheeks. Draco, who had come to check on me, gently wiped them from my face.

"You should go with them. You need to be happy for once ... forget about all this." He said softly.

"I can't forget. Not while she's still like this." My voice broke on the last word.

"Will I be forced to use 'Obliviate' on you, Softpaw?" Fred said, getting out his wand. I laughed a little.

"There we go." Draco smiled at me.

Fred raised his wand and said, "Ob-"

"Shit, I didn't think you were serious!" Draco exclaimed, jumping in front of me.

"I wasn't." Fred smirked at the same time George said, "Aww, how cute."

I glared at them both as Lee chuckled in the corner and Draco blushed.

Fred and George grabbed my arms and walked on either side of me out of the hospital wing, Lee following behind. Draco smiled after us. Huh, guess he really does 'get happy when Daisy gets happy' as Shannon overheard him telling his friends one night in the Slytherin common room - or so she said.

In our dorm, I stared down reluctantly at the Firewhiskey in my hands.

"But I'm underage." I objected weakly.

The three of them stared at me incredulously with a hint of concern.

"Daisy, you never give a fuck about rules."

That's the thing, though. Remember in first year, when Hermione was crying, when I said that people showing weakness was my weakness? How my friends were my weakness too, and the two combined made me feel weak too? Yeah, that ties in here.

"I DARE you to drink it, Softpaw."

Okay, I can't refuse a dare even at this time. I took a swig of the bottle.

The three idiots cheered, and took swigs themselves. I felt myself slowly floating off, the worries and concerns starting to ebb away. There was a warm sensation on the tips of my fingers, starting to spread to the rest of my body.

Half an hour later, and we were drunk as hell. Not me as such, since I was still kinda reluctant, though I didn't know why, because my worries had all melted away. Also, because three guys and one girl should NOT get completely drunk together if they do not wish ... things to happen. We played Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, and a bunch of other games. Let's just say, we got a much worse reputation with Filch than ever before with our dares.


Later that day, Harry and Ron came up to me and told me that they had visited some giant spiders, the leader of which was Aragog, but didn't find out anything.

I mentally sniggered, thinking of what Ron's face must have been like.

"Ron saw giant spiders, and you didn't invite me? I hate you." I told Harry, and everyone around us laughed.

Ginny came up to me and dragged me away from the group. The Insurgent's sneaked closer to us to hear what she was going to say.

"Percy-" She giggled, but Percy was passing at this point, and she squealed and sprinted off.

"Well then." I said.

Harry and Ron caught me again and told me that they found out that a girl died in a bathroom when the Chamber was first opened fifty years ago, and they thought it might be Myrtle. I remember why Myrtle and I aren't on the best of terms ...

I was walking along a corridor with Terry, talking and laughing. We passed Moaning Myrtle as I had said, "I mean, look at Myrtle, for example. There's a reason why she's called MOANING Myrtle ..." Myrtle burst into tears as Terry burst out laughing. I looked behind me, frowning. "Oh dear, I did NOT see her there."

Yeah, that's why. The bell rang, and we looked at each other.

"Myrtle." Harry decided, and we took off in the direction of her bathroom.

We met Professor McGonagall on the way.

"What are you three doing out of class?"

"We - we're going to see - uh -" Ron stuttered.

"Hermione." I said.

Professor McGonagall burst into tears and mumbled stuff about friendship and ushered us to the hospital wing. When she had gone, the Insurgent's, and, oddly, Draco, came sprinting down the corridor towards us.

"We heard you say that you had a lead on the Heir." Terry gasped.

"Well, we -" Harry began, but I heard a laugh in the back of my mind and everything went black again.

But no. NO. I can fight this. I struggled against it. Some of the darkness slipped away, and I heard myself say, "I'm going to the bathroom."

No! No, I'm not, you guys! I tried to say that, but I couldn't. This thing was controlling me. I slipped back under again.

I tried again, and pushed against the blackness. I saw the corridor leading to Myrtle's bathroom. My hands were covered in blood. I slipped back under.

I pushed again. There was writing in blood on the wall - I had put it there - 'Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever.'

No! No it won't!

Standing before the sinks in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

Standing in a dark pipe.

In a chamber with a statue of someone at the end ...

I struggled. But I only dropped to the ground, suddenly weak. A tall, handsome sixteen year old boy in Slytherin robes and dark hair stood before me, a smirk on his face. He looked like a ghost or something, only in colour. He was see-through.

Shit. Help me, someone.

"You - you BASTARD." I said, realising that yes, it had been me attacking those people, but he was the guy in the diary, the diary - it was lying on the floor, I must have had it in my pocket - he was possessing me, controlling me.

And I do not like to be controlled.

"Hello, Daisy Potter." He said, smirking down at me. "I am Tom Riddle."

'Darling, you see, ' I told myself. 'no heroes are coming to save you, so pick up your sword and don your own armour.'

But everything went black.

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