Chapter 3 - Birthday and the Burrow

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"Harry!" I shrieked, leaping out of my bunk and landing on the floor lightly, using my awesome time-twisting skills that I had been practising since I got home (and I was now pretty good at it). "It's our birthday today!"

"Huh ... you what?" Harry mumbled as he rolled over in the bottom bunk.

"Get up, you lazy lump!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him out. He landed with a thud on the floor, tangled in his bedsheets.


"Dudders!" I hollered down the hall.

I heard muttered cursing and then his door opened a few seconds later. "What?"

"It's our BIRTHDAY!" I cried, stepping on the wall, slowing down time, and doing a backflip. Then I remembered that I wasn't a cheerleader anymore, I was a ballet dancer, and spun a few pirouettes.

Dudley, who was used to this, still screamed, "That's SO hardcore!"

"I know, right?!" I yelled.

"What is all this racket?" Aunt Petunia stepped out of her room, rubbing her eyes.

"Mum, Mum, look what Daisy can do!"

I still hadn't shown Aunt Petunia yet. I got the impression that, as much as my aunt and uncle love me, they strongly dislike magic.

"Look, Aunt Tuney!" I cried, happening to look into her eyes as I said that. She flinched and drew in a sharp breath. I turned and stepped up on the wall again, gathering all my concentration - and crashed back down again.

"Huh?" I gasped, holding my butt, which I landed on. "How the -"

I got up, and tried again, and this time I could do it. "Whee!"

"It's our birthday! It's our birthday! YESSS!" I heard Harry scream from inside our room.

I facepalmed.

"Harry, I practically figured that out YEARS ago."

So we all went downstairs and Harry and I opened presents. I had warned all my friends and the Weasley's (I sent them a letter) of the interceptor, whoever that was, and they had all encased their letters and packages with an Anti-Interception spell each. We got pressies from all our friends and from the Dursley's.

We also had a party later on that night, before this rich builder and his wife came around so that Uncle Vernon could persuade them to buy his drills.

"Oh my gosh, Hannah, when did YOU cut your hair?" I asked loudly when I noticed Hannah's haircut.

"Don't worry, I only got it, like, a day ago. It's, like, so cool. I've got so much, like, swag!" She gushed.

I facepalmed.


That night, Harry got sent upstairs to pretend that he doesn't exist, to my protests (which were shot down). We all got ready for the builder and his wife, Dudley and Uncle Vernon standing in the hall ready to welcome them, and Aunt Petunia and I standing in the living room, ready to welcome them 'to our lovely home'.

"You look wonderful, dear." Aunt Petunia smiled as she looked at me.

I was wearing a green dress which apparently brought out the colour of my eyes (On the side).

"Thanks. You look nice too, I guess."

Then sounds of welcoming from the hall. I sighed. WHY ...


"Oh, yes! That's wonderful, Mrs -" Aunt Petunia laughed, but was cut off by a loud thumping noise coming from upstairs.

"Daisy, go and check Dudley's TV, will you? He must have left it on." Uncle Vernon said, shooting me a look that said 'please shut your brother up'.

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