Chapter 1 - Back At Privet Drive

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"So, what's happened in Little Whinging while Harry and I were gone?" I asked Dudley, Sasha, Megan, Hannah, and Piers. Well, maybe not Sasha and Piers so much.

We were hanging out at the park. Megan and I were swinging back and forth on the swings, Hannah and Dudley were lounging on the park bench, and Sasha and Piers were snogging on the roundabout.

"Not much. Them two got together, Hannah got asked out by Scott, but she rejected him, and I broke my arm. That's it. What happened at St Marigold's?" Megan said.

"Well ..." I paused, thinking over my school year. To answer your question, Megan, a massive man-bush hybrid came to find my twin and I, told us we were famous and magical, took us to a magical street where I met one of my crushes and friend, went to a Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters, went on a magical train where I met my second crush and best friend, and where I met EVERYONE, then I went to a magical school where you wave your wand, say a few weird words, and something happens, I got hung over the edge of the Astronomy Tower, I slowed down time, I became a shape-shifter, I played a sport played on broomsticks, gained two powerful enemies, almost kissed at the school ball, and nearly got killed saving my brother and a powerful stone by the person who tried to kill me years ago.

Yeah, you get that I can't exactly tell her that.

But I can't lie to her either. She IS my muggle best friend. So I settled on not-lying, but not telling the exact truth either.

"It turns out that St Marigold's is also linked to a boy's school. That's where Harry went. Well, I met two cute guys there, and I think I like them both, but I can't choose who I like more. One of them has become my best friend, the other is the cousin of one of two of my enemies. There's this total bitch there named Pansy Parkinson, who I call Pratinson, and a dickhead named Felix Malfoy, who I've named Floppy, because his hair is just, like," I flopped my hand over my forehead, "when he's walking, and the guy is his cousin! Just my luck. And I almost got kissed by this guy who has a crush on me at the school ball. Then I almost kissed the guy's cousin during Tag. And ... yeah, that's it. Kinda. And I nearly got killed. Twice."

Even Piers and Sasha had stopped snogging to listen. Everyone had awed looks on their faces. And I haven't even told them the full story!

"How did you nearly get killed?" Piers asked.

"Tell me about the bitch so that I can come up with something ..." Sasha pondered.

"There was a ball?!" Hannah squealed.

"Tell me about the guys. Maybe I can help you choose." Megan grinned.

Dudley remained quiet, because I had told him that I'd tell him everything later.

"Can't tell you that, Piers. The school told me to remain confidential. And yes, Han, there was a ball." I told them all about the ball, and I told Sasha about Pratinson. She told me that I should sneak into her dormitory and switch her green and silver drapes for red and gold. Of course, I could just charm them to change colour, but she didn't know that!

I told Megan about Draco, Terry, and Ron, leaving out the wizard part, of course. My other two muggle best friends couldn't help but hear, and they all took different sides.

"You should totally go out with the Draco guy! You guys are SO cute together, and he, from what you tell me, has all the looks!" Megan squealed.

"Nah, like, you should DEFINITELY date the Ron guy. Obviously you can snog him whenever you like, and he wouldn't object to it!" Sasha told me.

"No, no, no! It's Terry! Of course! He's got the personality!" Hannah winked.

"So Megan's telling me that I should go out with Draco 'cause he's cute and has looks, Hannah's telling me that I should go out with Terry 'cause he has personality, and Sasha's telling me that I should go out with Ron 'cause I can snog him whenever I like. Really, guys?" I asked, amused.

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