Chapter 9 - Boys in the Girl's Bathroom

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'... sometimes I just really miss them, you know? I've never really had a proper parent figure before, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon liked me, but they just didn't act like parents ...' I wrote into the diary at night.

'I know how it feels. My father left my mother when he found out that she had put him under the effects of a love potion and abandoned her when she was pregnant with me like the scum he was. My mother died giving birth to me, and all my childhood I lived in an orphanage.'

'That's awful! I can't imagine that ever happening to me ... if my father left my mother in that way ...' I clenched my fists suddenly, a weird spark of rage that didn't seem like mine firing up in my mind. 'I would kill him.'

'That's what I ...' He paused. I felt apprehensive.

'... felt like doing too.' I sighed in relief.

'Well, goodnight.' I put down.

'Goodnight.' I slid the diary under my mattress again.

I had charmed Parvati, Lavender, and Hermione's hair bright blue for a day. I'd also put a fake spider on top of Lavender (she hates spiders) and I'd jinxed the bed hangings to come down on Parvati and Hermione as soon as they wake up.


"AAAHHHH!" I woke up to a scream the next morning. Lavender was on the floor, screaming her head off at the fake spider.

Parvati and Hermione shot up in their beds while I just lay there, the room spinning.

I heard their shrieks as their bed hangings came down on them.

Then they noticed their hair.


When I got down to the common room, I was jerked up, upside down in the air by my ankle.

"Fred! George! Let me down!" I whined, the room spinning worse than it had been before.

They both grinned evilly at me. "No can do, Daisy, this is a prank war, remember?"

Then the room REALLY started spinning ... they were spinning me around!

A minute later, I fell to the ground, the room still spinning. I lay there for a few minutes, eyes closed, trying to wait the worst of it off, but the dizziness didn't subside. I tried to get up, but the room tipped sideways and I fell back down again. I got up and latched myself onto an armchair, trying to steady myself, but it was no good. I staggered worse than ever towards the portrait hole.

"Hey, Daisy, try not to fall off the moving staircases!" Seamus joked, and everyone laughed.

"Shut up Seamus!" I said, flipping him off, but he was spinning around along with the room. "Huh? Where are you ...?" I said, my eyes crossing slightly. Everyone laughed again.

I staggered towards the portrait hole and stepped through it, managing not to fall again. I latched onto the railing of the nearby staircase and staggered down it. The twins followed behind, laughing.

"Assholes." I muttered. I managed to get down to the Great Hall, only falling three times. I met Terry at the doors.

"Daisy, you okay there?" He asked, amused.

"Obviously not." I muttered, stumbling past him, the room tipping diagonally again. I pushed a hand against the wall and squeezed my eyes shut.

"You idiots are going to pay for this." I said. "Dearly." The twins just cackled, and Terry held my wrist, leading me to the Gryffindor table.

The rest of the day was full of me staggering, falling, the twins evilly cackling, Terry steadying me, Harry worriedly looking on, and everyone else laughing. I am so going to prank them later. I'm getting back at them!

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