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Chapter Five.

It was a strange type of feeling.


"Hi," he greeted, offering his hand for a shake which Dylon took with excitement bubbling in his once cold heart. "My name is Levon." 

"Dylon and these are my friends, Jerk and Dummy." They both laughed when the other two boys groaned in feign annoyance. The sound of the boy's laughter was like a tidal wave crashing down into his desert soul and suddenly he felt alive, almost whole, which left him wondering whether all he has done the seventeen years of his life could actually be described as living and it had only been a couple of minutes the boy walked into the class. 

Dylon could feel the trouble this boy posed and it frightened him even more but when he opened his mouth to speak, he spoke the opposite of what his confused heart thought.

"Don't listen to him, my name is Keller and this here is Dummy… sorry, Dalton." Keller introduced and the rest of the period went by without neither of them paying attention. 

During lunch, the boys got to learn more about each other as Levon told them where he came from and how he now lived with his birth mother but only for a particular period and for a certain purpose which he didn't disclose to them yet and they didn't ask. 

At gym class, Levon caught sight of the birthmark as the other boy changed into his running shorts and shirt, the sight froze his movement as the memories of that day rushed back into his mind.


A loud alarm sound along with continuous coughing echoing from inside the E.R immediately made them rush to the porthole to look at Danny only to have the door flung open with a doctor emerging out calling a couple of guards to guard the room asking them not to allow anyone in except Louis. 

All their eyebrows were instantly furrowed at hearing the doctor's orders. They all averted their gaze to immediately settle on Louis who looked like a deer caught in headlights. Louis swallowed hard before rushing inside the E.R with the guard shutting the door and blocking their view through the porthole.

Inside Louis took hesitant steps towards Danny, finally able to look him in the eyes, blinking up slowly at him. Danny looked barely alive. His skin pale, eyes looked exhausted. He was weak. Louis saw the bag of his blood flowing down to mix with Danny's through the tube. 

Louis's eyes found Danny's desperate ones staring up at him through tired lids, eyelashes fluttering in the struggle to keep them open. He tried extending a hand in Louis's direction but it failed and hit the bedsheet limply, surrendering to exhaustion. 

Louis immediately approached and knelt beside Danny's bed. As delicately as he would hold a feather, he held Danny's hand in his. 

Before he could stop himself, Louis bent his head lower, closer to Danny's hand, he let his lips land on the soft skin there in a tender kiss, tears of deep remorse raining down on Danny's hand as he whispered an apology over and over again. 

He has failed him. He promised he would do everything to keep him safe. 

He tried, he exposed their secrets but he had failed the most important one... saving Danny from himself. Of course, whoever had gone through what Danny went through was sure to break at some point. Look what happened with DJ, how could he have missed Danny's?

The beeping sound of the machine sped up abruptly accompanied by labored breathing through the ventilator.

Louis's eyes immediately snapped upwards to look at Danny, their eyes met in the most heartbreaking moment Louis has ever had to endure. He couldn't take his eyes off a tear that carved its way down Danny's cheeks as he continued staring back at him. 

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