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Chapter: three.

Just wait a little longer, my Beauty.

"I-I need him," he bawled bitterly as he tried to bite down on his lower lip to hold the wrecking sobs threatening to drown him. "H-he needs me." He choked out and buried his face into his Dad's neck.

For a moment there, the confused fathers exchanged looks as to who their son referred to, and when nothing came to mind, Markus decided to press further for more information.

"Who, baby?"

Levon cried harder, there was no helping it. It hurts too much he couldn't have conved his emotions any other way. "My Danny." He whispered.

Who knew answering questions could get so difficult.


The single thought on both parents' minds. That was the name of their son's imaginary friend but they haven't heard him talk about this friend since his eleventh birthday.

Why the sudden remembrance?

The question lurking in their minds but they decided against it and rather chose another question, one that seemed more suitable for their current predicament.

"Where can we find him?" Daniels asked.

Levon finally removed his face from his Dad's neck to stare into their wet eyes. They love him too much. That much was evident in their concerned faces.

They wanted to help.

At that moment, Levon decided to tell them.


He didn't know if they believed him by the time he was finished relating his story to them but one thing was certain, they didn't seem amused by his confessions, or was there any spike of judgment in the depths of their loving gazes.

Markus's eyes seem to widen as if he had suddenly remembered something and when both son and father saw the looks on his face they grew curious.

"What is it, my love?" Daniels asked and Markus glanced at their son then back at his husband.

"Remember, the family from the hospital?" He asked and for a moment there, Daniels seems to be lost in deep thoughts as he tried to recall.

"Yes, Yes of course I do," he replied, remembering but then his mood shifted as he got even more confused. "What about them?" He inquired.

"This?" Mark took their son's hand and showed him the birthmark. "Remember?" All the while the parents conversed, Levon sat there and watched in total bewilderment as he didn't want to interrupt whatever they have going on hoping they will explain once they're finished.

Markus on the other hand felt it might be of help since a certain connection was established from the second the other parents of the boy saw their son's birthmark.

If what their son has just said is true then maybe, the baby from that hospital might have been their baby's soulmate. Stupid as it may sound, Markus wanted the happiness of their son. He has suffered so much, it ached their hearts, made them restless, seeking solutions to problems they couldn't find.

"My love, it's just a birthmark and it could be a coincidence they both shared the same, I bet there are more kids in the world with the same birthmark, it's nothing special." Daniels started but now the whole birthmark conversation had piqued Levon's curiosity and he couldn't keep quiet anymore.

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