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Chapter: two.

Fucking, Danny, trying to get us killed a second time.

Lately, Levon has been on another level of annoying, he's been moody and extra weird with everyone, even with his parents. He's been both distant and quiet, two things out of his nature and it was freaking those close to him out. He talked less and less and listened even lesser. He barely pays attention both at school and at home. He's grown fond of his own company rather than hanging out with friends.

He couldn't help it since they all wouldn't understand him and there was no better way to tell them what has been happening to him.

It troubles his parents greatly that he wasn't talking to them since he stopped telling them about the pains he often felt. 

They wanted to reach out and help but are both clueless as to how to offer the right help.

Nobody would understand.

He wasn't making it any easier on them since he was always by himself and wouldn't talk to them. He just went to school and returned home, wearing a death-like-zombie expression on his face at all times.

Last night he had taken his dinner up to his room and ate alone then, that morning he didn't eat at all but left for school instead without as little as hello to his troubled parents.

"Hey, Meanie!" Shelley was calling and running after him as he staggered over to sit by the bleachers so he would watch his teammates on the fields and listen to coach Bennett yelling instructions at the guys while they ran laps.

It had happened again, one minute he was running with the guys and the next, he was being stabbed repeatedly by sharp unseen objects.

Was the boy hellbent on ending his life himself?

Doesn't he understand that they would both die if he continued like this?

It worries Levon but more importantly, it scares him because Danny might get himself killed even before he has had the opportunity to find him as he had promised.

They will have to be reincarnated again and he will have to deal with this torture. It was true he had accepted it from their previous life but it would be a lot easier if Danny would take it easy on himself.

People are starting to think he was possessed, or worse, a troubled teen, especially coach Bennett who is starting to think he was skipping practices knowing he was their star player.

He loved football and nothing makes him happier than when he played, taking his troops to competitions and winning trophies for the school.

How was he going to gain his scholarship if Danny kept hurting him whenever he was out for his games?

Please, my Beauty, you're hurting me... you're hurting us.

His friends thought he acts out on purpose which was understandable since he has no evident injuries that eyes could see. Coach was starting to hate him, he was sure, with the glares the man constantly threw at him.

He could see the judgment in his eyes, the look of solemn pity since he obviously thought the boy was out to ruin his future.

Levon didn't want any of this as much as they didn't but with Danny always hurting himself, how could he ever concentrate on anything?

Please, stop... it hurts too much.

He cried through their link hoping the boy would feel him, feel his pain, and how he was hurting him.

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