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Chapter. One.

With his satchel crossed over his shoulder, Dlyon pulled his hood over his head and threw a glance to his side to find his twin sister standing there. He smiled. She was like his personal guardian angel. Ever since they were old enough to learn and understand his conditions, his sister has taken it upon herself to make sure he never did anything to hurt himself but that was funny since he tends to find a way to do just that.

"Let's get this day over with." He told her and made his way towards the gates. He paused when he reached the entrance, just seeing the school name written in ridiculously bright blue color did nothing but make him cringe. They went to a private school highly recognized for their attractive students with genius-level IQs and he was amongst the brightest but he hated school, life is sometimes seen as meaningless.

What kind of a life can one who knows no pain possibly have?

His mother and sister were constantly looking out for him, checking for bruises and making sure he goes to the doctor just in case.

He understands they are worried for him but he couldn't help but want an end to it all.

As they walked through the courtyard, he heard his sister muttering something between 'be careful today and don't hurt yourself on the fields' before running off to the group of her friends already lined up in wait for her. As the head cheerleader, she was both the chicks and guys magnet, the center of attention, and a very beautiful young woman.

Dlyon nearly rolled his eyes when he saw the school's number one jerk approaching him, he couldn't comprehend why he has to be friends with a complete douche who bullies those he was stronger than for a living but that jerk was his best friend who would give his life for him without a second thought. He has refused to see the badness in Keller but instead was hellbent on bringing out the good he knew the boy always tried to hide. But that in itself was a hopeless course at least it justified his reasons for making him his best friend to some certain degree.

"Hey, dork of ages...," Keller ran into him and crushed him in a welcoming hug as if he hasn't seen him in years.

"Alright, you clingy bastard that's enough!" He playfully yanked Keller off of him and the boy whined with pouty lips.

"But I've missed you." He fake-cried and Dlyon laughed, shoved the dramatic boy to the side, and walked into the main doors.

"It's only the weekend, Douche." He told the other who ran after him.

"Dork," Keller mumbled.

"Geek." Dlyon returned as he moved to his locker, opening the door and a flood of letters rushed out and littered the floor. He could hear girls giggling as they walked by while he bent down to begin picking them up. The words 'I love you, Dlyon' 'Call me sometimes' and 'OMG you're so cute, Dlyon' filled his sights but he wasn't impressed by these letters anymore since he got these daily.

"Congratulations, Dork, you always manage to drive the girls crazy for you with all your ugliness." Keller pats him on the shoulder and walked over to the side, a scrawny kid with his books in hand and head bowed quickly walked by them but Keller been his usual annoying self had to block the kid's part with one foot and the boy stumbled over but didn't fall, his books however dropped and littered the place causing a burst of laughter which ranged throughout the hall as the kid quickly gathered his belongings and scampered off once again. "They're so easy to mess around with." Keller scoffed and Dlyon rewarded him with a hard punch to his side.

"Jerk, stop messing with people." He scolded.

"Oh, come on, don't be a sore joy, it was funny and everyone agreed to it." He demonstrated this by pointing to the kids still smiling from before.

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