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"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Boyle, on the delivery of your beautiful twin babies." DJ smiled proudly as he held both babies in his naked chest for the first time. His smiling wife lies on the bed next to him, recovering from her cesarean section.

Their babies were beautiful and DJ couldn't be more grateful for how great his life turned out.

He got married to a wonderful woman and his sister Mika was doing great too with her husband and two children. Their mother had died of heart problems six years ago and they haven't spoken to Vincent since their mother's death. He and Mika had made sure they stayed connected and the love which their father grew them with still flourished between the two siblings.

They would grow their children the same.

They owed that to Danny and Louis.

Priest moved away from town two years after Danny's death and DJ had no idea where the breeze of life had blown him towards since they never kept in touch.

A nurse came into the room to take the babies so she could put them in their cradles, she gently took the girl and when she returned to take the boy she noticed he had a black shade of birthmark on the back of his palm.

"Hmm, strange, another baby just born had the same birthmark in the same hand." She commented and both DJ and Lucy raised furrowed brows at the nurse. They thought she didn't mean it until she returned with the parents of the baby.

Indeed when compared their birthmarks where the same and the boys had a striking resemblance that would have had DJ question whether his wife had delivered triplets instead of a set of twins but he was there in the room when the babies were brought out and handed over to him so this baby was definitely not his yet the baby pulls at his heartstrings and drowns his heart with unimaginable warmth, he felt as if he was his son even more than that.

"Congratulations." The newly arrived couple greeted and they all exchanged pleasantries.

"Do you live around?" DJ asked one of the husbands who introduced himself as Mr. Daniels McKimson and his partner Markus. Two wonderful Dads who had just had their son by a surrogate mother.

"Oh, yes, but we are moving away next week, we just wanted the baby to arrive before the move," Daniels replied.

"Darn it, I was looking forward to having the boys grow up together," DJ replied and they all laughed. He admired their identical birthmark and resemblance. It'll be a pity if the boys wouldn't even know about each other.

"Where are you moving to?" Lucy asked.

"SnowVille," Markus replied he has a warm smile on his handsome face that could light up an entire room.

"That's six hours of flight away, damn!" DJ yelled out in feign annoyance.

Both couples went ahead to chat for a few more minutes then bid each other their goodbyes.

DJ and Lucy were on their journey to starting a wonderful family with their beautiful babies.

"What are you going to call them?" Lucy asked her husband but saw DJ was already thinking about that.

"I've got it, Dylon and Draya." Lucy laughed softly at the pride which her husband used in saying those names.

"I love them." She agreed.

"Thank you."

"I thought you were going to name them after your heroes?" She inquired with a smile.

"I thought of that but I already got my father's name and Louis made it into DJ so they're always close to my heart." The sound of a crying baby had both parents shutting up as DJ got on his feet and walked towards the cradles where both babies were laid. "He's crying." He whispered and his eyes lit up sweetly in the way and manner his baby boy stretched both arms and legs punching the air as he cried. "Do you like your name, Dylon, hmm?" He began to speak sweetly as he raised the baby from the cradle and into his arms. The baby stopped crying instantly. "There you go." The thirty-six-year-old cooed and rocked him back to sleep.

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