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Chapter Six.

Three weeks, three long agonizing miserable fucking weeks have long gone and yet Dylon hasn't recognized him from their past. Why was he born with the memories and he wasn't? Why wouldn't he remember him? Was it because he was already dead when he made the vow?

When did this become us?

Levon could hear his heart crying out painfully for his soulmate.

"You're so close yet so far away."

"Why won't you connect to my singing heart?"

"Why won't you feel me, my Beauty?"

Levon thought he heard the other boy whimper softly and he chanced a glance the other's way but Dylon wasn't looking at him, he had his head resting on his desk facing the other way. Mr. McKorny was over at his desk grading their quiz. Levon couldn't look anywhere but at his lover who faced away from him and probably fell asleep.

"We used to touch nonstop, you and I, we used to kiss around every corner, yet here we are. Sitting mere inches from each other and all I want to do is feel you, hold you."

"Don't you remember, My Beauty?"

"The feels of my hands in yours, our hearts beating as one, the sounds of your soft whimpers, and the way you tell me you love me."

"Can you feel us, my love?"

"I hate this shit."

"I hate that you can't remember."

"I hate that I can't make you remember me."

Dylon raised his head from the desk and instantly their eyes connected when he turned towards Levon and for a long second they just stared into each other's souls.




"You seem so unaffected but I know that's not true. I know that you're yearning for me, my Beauty. I feel the tremors that shake your frame from the desires you want me to gift upon you."

Levon didn't miss the way Dylon's breath hitched nor the way his eyes fluttered, he knew he could hear him speaking through his mind.

"I know you need me just as much as I need you, my Beauty, in your dreams you begged for me, you cling onto me for dear life, you wanted me deeper and never letting go and here I am yet you fail to remember. Why are you acting like you don't feel me, you don't feel us? Is this my punishment, My Danny? Don't torture me this way. I've suffered enough."

"I came back as promised."

"Let me in and I will never let you go from my sight ever again."

"Let me in and I'll make you remember."

"Are you pushing me away, my beauty? I see you biting those lips, you hear me, you feel me, don't you?"

At that last thought, Dylon got on his feet and bolted from the room.


As he ran, his head grew fuzzy with thoughts and memories he had desperately tried not to remember. Of course, he remembers. Of course, he hears and feels him but how could he accept that he does when he knew what pain he cost the other in their previous life? He made everyone suffer and in the end, he had taken his life without considering His Louis, his baby, the only one who truly loved and wanted nothing but to protect him forever and from everyone, even from himself.

Souls Entwined (He Is The One. My One ✔) Where stories live. Discover now