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Chapter Seven.

Dylon had left the boy up on the roof and bolted for dear life. He couldn't let him sweep him away like before. This was what's best for both of them. He was a mess in his previous life and in this life, it has followed him still. If nothing had told him, the fact that he was born not to feel pain was enough to tell him all he needed to know about their end if he gave Louis another chance.

It wasn't exactly easy denying these feelings, the yearning and his aching soul which craves only one human being, one he wouldn't dare have, never again. 

"Night, Mom, Dad, Draya!" He called out to his family as he made his way from the dinner table, up the stairs, and into his room.

"Finally, some peace and quiet." He whispered as he went into his bathroom for a quick brush, a change, and ready to call it a night. 

Now that he has seen and understood the meaning and reason behind his sinful dreams, he doesn't get them anymore and he must say he missed waking up with that euphoric feeling but it was for the best, he wasn't some teen going through puberty that he had to constantly get wet dreams. And since he has seen the reason behind the uncalled dreams, no need to have them anymore. 

Dylon slumped into his bed, he picked up his alarm and set it a good fifteen minutes before his waking time. He likes snoozing for a few more minutes after the alarm goes off, then he turns off the night lamp and lies there counting sheep as sleep suddenly abandons him.

I hope he was okay after I left?

He remembered the boy he had neglected and didn't even bother to go back to check on him.

He doesn't even have his phone number and it was probably a good thing as he wouldn't want to be tempted into calling or leaving a message, he just wants to sever this tie between them.

This bond.

Why did he come back into his life?

As if life doesn't already have enough drama rocking his world. 

His mind wandered restlessly as he desperately hoped for sleep to come. 


Dylon blinks multiple times when he thought he was seeing a shadow by his door. Slowly with eyes never leaving the dark figure at his door he sat up in bed and waited. He wasn't afraid but felt oddly calm by the presence. 

The dark figure just watched him without moving any closer, not speaking to him. 

Dylon didn't know if he should apologize or walk over to the shadow so he simply just sat still and waited. 

Dylon took a bolder move, he reached for his bed lamp and turned it on, the brightness illuminated his entire room and for the first time, he was able to look directly into the eyes of the faceless lover who often comes to him at night. The boy standing before him looked nothing like Levon but it felt as if they were the same person. This person captured his entire being so strongly that it caused a little shiver to run through his body. He must have noticed because his smile widened and without opening his mouth, he spoke to him.

"So you feel it too?"

"What do you mean?" Dylon asked.

"You know what I mean."

Dylon almost melted when he saw the way he was looking at him. He recognized that look too well.


It's radiating from his eyes, so intense it's almost like a physical touch.

"Louis…" Dylon whispered as he stared into those captivating eyes, it drains his strength. 

Souls Entwined (He Is The One. My One ✔) Where stories live. Discover now