Author's Note.

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Ello and Bienvenue! 

Let's have a storytime. 

My interest in writing peaked after I read The Hunger Games for the first time. I realize how every time I read a book, I was able to transport myself in a completely different world. It struck my fancy and then, my struggle to write a masterpiece that belonged to me started. 

I had written two other books before It Starts With A Slap in a different account, but honestly, they were shit and I got no reads. I got demotivated and deleted those accounts. Then, finally, I made this account and wrote this book. 

It was a good plot and surprisingly, I got a lot of reads. It was only until I finished the book, I realized the flaws it had. The conversation between the characters seemed forced and childish, the ending was rushed, and don't even get me started on the plotholes. But, it had a good amount of reads and comments, so I did not have the heart to delete it.

So, I wrote two other books before deciding to work on this one again because, as I said, the plot was good and the book has the potential. 

The version you will be reading now is shifted from the first POV to the third POV. The plot has been altered in many placed and you might even find the entire story different. But, trust me, this version is going to be much more fun to read without cringing every time. PS: It also has new chapters that weren't written before.

If you're wondering, "Why the hell is she editing after already so many people have already read the trashy version?" Let me tell you, it is because, if so many people read the trashy version, then those who haven't read the book and would read it later, deserve to read the improved version.

I would also like to thank all of you for choosing this book to read. Thank you.

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