Chapter 13.

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Roxie's POV.

Joseph and I were spying on Scarlett because she got all weird and angry when Trevor stepped inside. She went outside, following him and it looked like a heated argument at first. But then Trevor said something which froze both of them.

"I bet Trevor said that he is gay!" Joseph jumped up and down like a teen girl. I giggled.

Just then, we heard a big crash outside. Grabbing my phone and purse, I rushed outside, seeing Scarlett's unconscious and lifeless. Scarlett was so good to me, I really liked her a lot. I finally found a friend that I could trust. I was on the verge of crying when I screamed Trevor's name to snap him back to reality.

He was shocked and shaking from head to toe. I wanted to tell him it was okay but my body wouldn't move, it was like I was paralyzed. The ambulance arrived in a short while and we boarded with a bloody Scarlett.

I called her mom and she said that she will reach soon. I finally found and my voice and let out all my tears. Joseph was drawing soothing circles on my back, side hugging me. They gave her an oxygen mask and I was relieved when she started breathing stably.

We reached the hospital and found a doctor who ordered the nurses to take Scarlett to the emergency room. We were stopped right before the ER doors arrived. I curled up in a corner and cried. I tried stopping myself but I just couldn't.

Having no control over my emotion, I took out my phone and texted Scott. I had no idea why I did that. Maybe it was because I wanted someone who cared for me by my side right now. I turned off the screen and closed my eyes, while my tears dried on my face. The doctor filled us in with Scarlett's condition. I went back to my corner and sat down bringing my knees closer and hugged them.

Trevor came with some fresh clothes and hugged me tightly. He asked me to clean myself up. I went to the washroom and let the cool water touch my teary face. After drying up my face, I smiled at myself. You can do this. I repeated to myself as I made my way back. Scarlett's mom had already arrived and she was crying too. Trevor told me that we could see Scarlett now, so after her mom, I went in.

"Hey there, champ." I sniffled, touching her forehead. "I know you are fighting but I want you to fight harder, okay?" I giggled and cried at the same time. I wanted her to get out of this misery as soon as possible. "You also have to fill me in with the Trevor gossip."

I couldn't take it anymore, so I rushed out of the room and let it all out. I decided to go home and exited the hospital. When I got out, I saw a worried Scott leaning against his bike with his leather jacket and black pants on.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, controlling my tears.

"Scarlett is my friend too." He harshly replied.

"Fine. She is on the fourth floor, Trevor's also there." I rolled my eyes.

"Let me take you home." He grabbed my arm gently. "Please."

I was too tired to argue back, so I just nodded. He gave me a helmet and I accepted it. I sat behind him, trying not to hold him. But when he started the bike, I automatically wrapped my hands around his waist and interlocked them. I felt him smile.

"Roxie?" A soothing voice called out my name.

I opened my eyes and adjusted them to the surroundings. My head was resting on Scott's back, my hands still holding his waist. My eyes were heavy and I found it difficult to keep them open.

"Carry me home," I whispered.

The next morning I woke up and felt a pair of hands wrapped around me, making me feel safe and happy. I turned around and saw Scott's peaceful face. He was asleep, we were so close, I could feel his breath on my neck. I tried to break free from his hands, but it made him move. So, I just laid there, staring at him. Not creepy at all.

After an hour, He finally woke and I pretended to be asleep. He took his one hand from underneath me and tucked some of my hair behind. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled at him. He smiled back. God! He looked so dangerously handsome.

"Good morning, Angel! How are you feeling?" He asked, kissing my forehead. Wait, what?

He immediately realized what he did and got up from the bed.

"I..uhh..didn't mean to do that." He nervously said.

"I know." I nonchalantly got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door calmly and the jumped up and down. Breathe in, breathe out. I got out after brushing my teeth.

"What did you tell my parents?" I suddenly asked.

"I didn't say anything, took the spare key." He winked. I rolled my eyes. Great!

"You get out of the window, I'll see you later," I said, throwing him his stuff.

"When are you visiting Scarlett?" He asked, near the window frame.

"My shift is in the evening." I say, opening the window."

"Shift?" He raises an eyebrow.

"What! We all have work to do. So, Sarah takes the morning shift because she has to work the rest of the day. Joseph takes the afternoon one cause he doesn't have school or work. I'll go directly from school and Trevor took the night shift." I explain. "Now go, before someone comes."

Scott and I threw some glances at each other at school. It was weird how nicely I could talk to him even when I still had feelings for him. I completed school, went home, changed and went to the hospital. When I reached, Joseph was inside, crying. He didn't cry yesterday.

"You okay?" I said, hugging him.

"I don't know what I will do if I lost her." He said, sniffing.

"We are not gonna lose her, okay?" I comforted him and he nodded. "You can go now."

I sat on the chair right next to Scarlett. She looked so peaceful. I smiled and stroked her hair.

"Hey." Scott wished as he entered and hesitated to look at Scarlett.

"It's okay. She doesn't bite." I laughed.

He reached there and finally looked at her. A small gasp escaped and he looked at me with sad eyes. He then touched her hand and gently squeezed them. We both sat there in silence, not knowing what to say. I went to the door and opened to door to give them some alone time.

As I was about to leave, Scott stood there and yelled softly, "I still love you."


Hello Angels!

I know this chapter was not extraordinary but Hey! Scott still loves Roxie!!

Also, check out Unexpectedly in Love by @enchantinggoddess89 :))

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