Chapter 15.

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Scarlett's POV.

I felt pain in every joint of my body as I tried to move my body. I opened my eyes and saw white paint surrounding me. Hospital. It was all familiar because I had already been in this surrounding during the most time of my childhood.

I adjusted my pillow and sat up straight. I saw a oxygen mask, and wires connected to my body. My leg was covered in plaster and I felt my head throb with unbearable pain.

I looked to my left and saw a very tired Joseph, napping on the couch. He looked so peaceful. I smiled and tried to move my hands to the glass of water, without making any sound.

But in vain, I let out a small moan due to pain which woke Joseph up. He rushed to my side, hugged me tightly and then called the doctors. They rushed in and started checking my body. Joseph and I were both relaxed because this is not the first time for me.

Joseph then called my mom and Roxie. He never left my side, not even once. The room doors flung open and I saw a very worried face come near me. It was neither my mom or Roxie, it was Trevor. He looked pale and happy at the same time.

Seeing his face brought the memories of the day of my accident. How I almost told him that I liked him. His confession took me by surprise. I knew that I was falling for him, but was unsure of his feelings.

Joseph and Trevor both looked at each other and then me. That was my cue to say something. "How many days was I passed out?" Seriously Scarlett!

"Three." Joseph and Trevor said in unison.

I just nodded and went back to the sleeping position. Trevor reached out to help me, but I did it like a pro. There was an expression of shock on his face, but he hid it quickly.

"I'll go to get fresh." Joseph said and excused himself.

Trevor and I stood there in absolute silence. Awkward.

"Does it hurt?" Trevor spoke.

"Nope." I replied, popping the p.

"How can it not hurt?" He knitted his brows.

"I have gone through worse." I smiled.

He took a chair from the corner and sat next to me. He then traces his hands on my hands, sending me goosebumps everywhere.

"Whoever did this to you will pay." He stated and I saw his jaw clench.

"I-okay." I said.

"What were you going to say?" He curiously asked.

"Nothing, just...stay." I breathed out.

He took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles. My face turned all red and trust me, I tried to control.

Moments later, Mom and Roxie rushed into to room, making me and Trevor jump.

Mom hugged me so tightly that I found it difficult to breathe.

"I'm fine, mom." I tried getting out of her embrace.

"It's been so long. My practise to see you in the hospital is gone." A tear escaped her eyes.

This sentence made Trevor and Roxie exchanges glances. Mom noticed it and found a way to leave the room, Trevor followed her.

"What did your mom mean?" Roxie asked, sitting on Trevor's chair.

"I'm fine, thanks." I rolled my eyes.

She soon filled me in with everything that happened with her and Scott. I always knew they had an undeniable chemistry. I mentally got calm as she forgot everything my mom said.

She also told me how they have their doubts that this is all Clarissa's doing. I couldn't agree more. But we needed proof, which was very difficult. At least according to me.

Joseph came back in my room and brought me some tea and flowers. He was so kind, I always knew that he was a precious one. I kissed me on the cheeks and he did the same thing.

Thanking him, I saw a heartbroken Trevor standing near the door. Tension arose in the room.

"It's not what it looks like." Joseph spoke.

"Sorry Trevor, it's exactly what it looks like." I blurted.

Everyone one in the room was shocked. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't. I liked Trevor, a lot. But I couldn't put myself and him in danger.

"Excuse me." Trevor smiled and left the room.

Joseph sent me a "What the hell just happened" look.

"I did the right thing." I shrugged.

They both left the room, leaving me alone with the tea. I sipped it and closed my eyes to let the taste linger longer in my mouth.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Trevor standing near the corner of the bed. I stared at him in shock and then smiled.

"Hey." I waved.

"What up Jensen?" He asked. "I thought that my feeling was mutual."

"I'm sorry, but it's not."

"Then why did you confess right before the accident?" He said, coming closer to me.

"I didn't want you to feel bad." I smiled.

"I know you are lying." He crossed his arms.

"I'm not." I gritted my teeth. "Accept the fact and move on. Joseph's the one."

"If I go back, I won't return. Choose wisely Scarlett." He said.

Scarlett. He called me from my first name. I knew that he was dead serious about it. My heart was pleading me to tell him the truth. But my brain refused.

"Trevor." I confidently said. "I DON'T LIKE YOU."

He left.

He left me all alone. I wanted to scream and cry but I was paralysed. I had to make a lot of decisions in my life.

But this, it was the hardest one.


Hello Angels!

Things got pretty bad in this chapter.

Secrets will be revealed in the next chapter, so, stay tuned ✌🏻

I've got a new ship name: Scarvor. Tell me what you think about it.

I would like to thank all of those who read my book.

It means a lot to me.

Don't forget to vote and comment :)


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